Family Means Forever

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*1 year later*

(Maleficent's POV)

I silently crept into my daughter's spacious blue bedroom and crouched down beside her. Her head was layed on her arms. She looked like the definition of adorable just cuddled up there. 'Hey, E. Wake up now. Happy birthday, my evil little fairy.' I said softly as I nudged her elbow. 'You slweep wid me Mommy. As a birfdway pwesent.' She mumbled, her voice still groggy with sleep. She then grabbed my hands and tried to pull me into bed with her. 'I can't. Don't you want to wake up and open your actual presents? And if you're really bad, maybe Mommy will sleep with you tonight. That sound good?' I asked her as I gently tlted her chin. 'Pwesents!' She yelled in excitement as she jumped out of bed. She got up and ran down the corridor into mine and Hades's bedroom. 'Daddy is stwill asweep! Daddy wake up! It's my birfdway!' Evilella screamed as she got into bed with Hades. 'Did you have to wake her up this early, M?' He mumbled although I could tell that he was joking. 'By early you mean eight?' I asked him sarcastically as I raised an eyebrow. 'Daddy come on get up! We nweed to opwen my birfdway pwesents!' My small now five years old daughter squealed in joy as her father picked her up and out of bed. 'Well then. You're going to have to race me to your presents. Ready, steady- hey! You cheated!' Hades cried as he dashed after Evilella. 'No I dwidn- Woah!' Our daughter stared in shock at the presents that were piled around the table. There were homemade pancakes sitting in front of her chair. Just seeing Evilella's face light up made me the happiest mother in the entire world.

(Time skip because I'm too lazy to write about all of the stuff that Evilella got lol)

'And this is the last one.' I smiled as my daughter looked at me patiently. She had got lots of presents, but I had saved the best till last. 'Here.' I passed her a small parcel with green wrapping paper. She took it from me and opened it carefully. Inside was a purple ribbon with a tiny dragon pendant threaded through it. Evilella held it up in awe. 'A dwagon! Wike you Mommy.' She smiles I fixed it around her neck. 'Like me. There. It looks perfect.' Hades put his arm around me as our daughter stared down at her neck, a grin spreading on her small face. 'I lwove it. Fankyou Mommy.' She said to me as she stood up and walked over to the table. 'Is it bweakfast twime yet?' She said with an innocent look in her little face. 'Sure kiddo. Dig in.' Hades laughed as Evilella tucked into her pancakes and we cleared up the rubbish from the presents. When Evilella had finished her breakfast she got giddy. And I mean really giddy. Hades was also extremely giddy. He grabbed Evilella in his arms and turned her upside down, tickli her as she erupted into a fit of giggles. 'Hade don't shake her like a can of coke. Especially not when she's just had breakfast. You're not the one who has to clean up the mess.' I knew what was going to happen. So did Hades, because he gently put her down. 'So, my little nightmare, what do you want to do today?'
Hades asked as he crouched down to our daughter's height. She thought for a second before answering. 'Spwend all dway wid Uma and Awnty Ursewa.' She replied with a big, wide grin spread out on her face. I couldn't help but laugh gently at her innocence. 'You want to see Uma and Aunty Ursula? Well, I'm sure we can make that happen.' Hades smiled as he got up and took both mine and Evilella's hands. 'Yway! Let's go!' She cried as she began taking off down the hall and all I could think was, happy birthday baby.

Hey guys! I am so so so so so so so sorry for the late update but I've had a lot on with school. Butttt..... I'm really excited for you to see this chapter. It was more of a family bonding chapter, which I think is nice. Also I looked it up, and Posidon is Hades brother, and he is also Ursula dad. Sooooo...... That makes Uma, Mal and Evilella cousins. Sort of, anyway. But on a less random note, I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter and I will see you soon! ❤️🥰Disneyvillianstales

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