We Meet Again

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(Maleficent's POV)

*16 years later*

Whilst Mal is at school I have decided to explore the island. I know that I've been here for over 16 years, but I haven't really been able to get out of the castle. I couldn't get out before I had Mal because I was too upset to do anything. And I couldn't do it after Mal was born because I was a mother, and my daughter needed me. She did, anyway. Now she just puts her little drawings everywhere and fails all of her classes at dragon Hall. Still, she's 16. Soon she will be moving out! I walk down an alleyway and notice what looks like a depressed human. Ugh. Humans are always so emotional. As i get closer the human looks awfully familiar. But then again, this whole island is full of useless humans. I let my curiosity get the better of me and I walk closer towards him. He hears me and begins to shout nervously. 'Who's there?! I'm a god!' He is certainly a failed god judging by his reaction. 'A god you say? Well I didn't know that we had a god on this horrendous island.' I said as I stepped into the light. 'Yeah, well I don't belong here.' He said as he looked up at me. I wasn't surprised to see him staring at me as everyone (even my own daughter) fears me. 'Maleficent?! Is that you?!' he questioned. I rolled my eyes. 'I thought that was obvious. You sound surprised to see me. Who, or what, are you anyway?' I was intruiged by his expression. 'It's me.' he stepped out and I couldn't believe who I was looking at. I slapped him. 'Ow.'he murmured.' What else do you expect me to do?! After what you did to me! After what you made me do! Out there is our daughter that YOU made me raise all on my own!' I yelled at him.' I had a daughter? 'he questioned. I rolled my eyes for the second time today.' YES! One that has been raised by her single mother! 'I was furious at Hades.' Listen, m. I only left you because I was scared that you would dump me so I dumped so that you couldn't dump me. 'he breathed out deeply. It was my turn to be surprised.' Your IQ must be really low. Thank goblins that Mal is as smart as her mom.' I crossed my arms in realization of how I really felt. My whole life I had just been shutting away the pain. I had just been shutting away my true feelings about Hades. But I had Come too far to admit it now.       ' 'Mal? That's her name?' he asked me with an interested look on his face. 'Did you think I was going to call her Hades junior or something?' I raised an eyebrow. 'Listen, I know you're mad, not that you have any reason to be because I was just being stupid, but she's my kid too. I just want to know her name.'he said calmly. I looked up at him. It was hard to be feircer than him when he was taller than me.' Fine. I decided to name her Mal Bertha.' I stated.' After her mom.'he smiled warmly at me. I couldn't help but drop my arms and smile back at him. I missed that smile. It was one of the many things that had made me fall in love with him.' See. I just knew that you still love me.' he looked smug. I stiffened in response.

(Hades POV)

I'm trying to look cool and calm and I'm not sure if it's working. For me, this is all a bit overwhelming. Yesterday I was just an incomplete being with love issues and today, for the first time in ages, I feel like a god of the underworld again. A complete god of the underworld. She stares at me with her cold, green eyes and I know she still wants me. She may have our kid, but she still needs me. 'What makes you think that?' She asks, as though she can read my mind. I thought for a second. 'The way you look at me. You look at me the same way you did the first night that you told me that you loved me. It's okay. I love you too.' I added quietly. She stared at me like she was surprised to hear me admit my feelings. But, as she was vain she only said,' What was that?' She clearly knew what I had said, but just wanted to hear me say it again.' I - I love you.' I admitted as I stared at my feet. 'Is this so?' She asked. I felt that there was no reason to deny what I had said anymore. 'Yes.' I spoke. She looked at me sternly before opting for a more heartfelt expression. She walked closer to me so that I could feel her body on mine and whispered, 'I love you too. I always have.' Well, that was certainly a shock. I thought she would say something menacing like, 'love is for the weak' or 'love is for the soulful' (people with souls, unlike me and her). But no. She said she loved me too. That she always had. ❤️

Hi guys! This is my first time I have actually put a note from the author. I wanted to ask if you liked the story do far? If you do, then please let me know. Also, if you have any story ideas (for this one or another) then please tell me about them and I will try to do them. Thanks so much for reading! Disneyvillianstales

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