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(Mal's POV)

'I don't know what's up with her, Jay. One minute she's ruling over the Isle, the next she's nowhere to be seen.' I cried in exasperation as I explained my thoughts to Jafar's son, Jay. 'Well, think. What could she be doing?' Jay sighed in response. It was clear that he wasn't really that interested in my moans. 'I dunno. I wouldn't be yelling about it if I knew now would I! It was really weird this morning though.' I said in thought. Jay looked at me before speaking. 'Weird how?' he questioned. 'Well. She woke up at six and she was throwing up all over the bathroom but, when I asked if she was okay, she only said,' I'm fine. Just leave me alone.' I shrugged.'Puking? You know what that means.... ' Jay looked smug as he took a can of spray paint from my hand and wrote his name on the door of lady Tremaine' s curl up and dye. 'No. She can't be. I mean, she doesn't look any fatter. And anyway, she hasn't seen my dad for years. She hates him. You know that.' I breathed deeply in relief. I was sure that my mom could not be pregnant. 'Who says it was your dad.' Jay shrugged as we both turned a corner. I knew that he was leading me to my castle so that I could face my mom. 'She' s not bothered about having another kid anyway. I mean, you've seen what she's like when she's around me. ' I protested as we reached bargain castle.' Well now you can - ' Jay began.' I know, I know, ask her. But what if she lies?' I questioned in frustration. I hate secrets.' She won't. I swear. ' Jay replied. 'There's no such thing as a villain who doesn't lie.' I huffed in response. 'But you're her daughter.' He said as he sat on the steps of his dad's junk shop that was opposite our place. 'So? Your dad lies to you all the time, doesn't he?' I knew I had him there. 'Yeah, but I.... Oh, I dunno.' He shrugged. 'You're no help.' I yelled as I began trudging up to my castle. I was going to confront my mom. And if she lies to me then.............. Then I'll just give up. Because that's life. There's no such thing as a perfect life. When I entered the castle mom was sat on her high - backed green throne, filing her nails. She stopped and stared at me standing in the doorway. 'What?' She sighed as she put her nail file down. 'I er, just wanted to ask you something.' I replied as I moved towards her. 'Get on with it then.' She said, irritated. 'Mom. Are - are you pregnant?' I mumbled in fear. I noticed her hand slide protectively over her stomach. She looked shocked and scared.

(Maleficent's POV)

'Who told you that?' I demanded. I wanted to tell Mal about the baby when I was ready. Which wasn't yet. 'Well umm. Nobody told me anything. Its just that you were being sick a lot this morning.' She replied. Phew, I could get out of this one. 'It's just a hangover darling. Nothing to worry about.' I answered with a lie that couldn't be further from the truth. 'Uhh. Okay.' She shuffled out of the castle. That was a close one. I can't wait until I'm bigger and people start to notice more. Not.

When The Dark Fairy Met The Light Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora