ohh noo ohh noo oh noo noo

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my brain started blaming me for all those things i did last night ignoring all his warnings and even i wasn't able to understand what the hell was wrong with me, i threw myself at the bed hitting my limbs in the air out of frustration. clearly, i have ruined everything, what am i gonna do.

if we think clearly he is acting normal and taking everything very lightly, which is a better way to avoid all this cause it all had already happened. i should do the same.

yes, I'll do the same, i made my mind and sat straight on the bed but how could he, how can he act so lightly, we did all that. thudding down again into bed, oh god! i cant even say out of mouth all this and i did all that practically last night.

taking a deep breath in to calm myself a unique scent entered my senses, it was his body sense. why is so pleasurable making me lose control, why do his dominating pheromones take charge of my body from my brain?

what the hell, why am i still thinking about him. getting out of the bed, i pulled out my bedsheet and blanket, 

"i would drown you in the water and crush you with my feet" i tried to threaten innocent bedsheets while throwing them for laundry

searching for another bedsheet in my closet, i found a blue blanket, that somebody had put over me on my first day in Korea, putting that for laundry too, i went for a shower.

placing my naked body under the hot mizzle of water my soul felt relaxed for a moment, a warm bath was always my cure to drain out all the fatigue and anxiety giving me a fresh energized soul but something is strange. i lowered my head looking at myself, i cursed myself. how could you undress in front of a man, idiot girl. he had seen you like this, i tried to bang my head on the wall but nothing could change all this.

today this it not gonna work, stepping out of the shower i slid in my shirt and wore my pants. while checking myself into the mirror i spotted a reddish-blue mark on my neck. my finger lightly stroked it and i got a pleasant flashback last night

his moist tongue slid at my neck followed by his soft lips sucking roughly the marked area giving me a blast of fireworks in my stomach. i clenched my eyes closing one of my senses and now i can only hear my loud breaths and the little moans he gives out while enjoying the feast and just could feel the surprising sensations on my body. 

the hunger instead of depleting kept on getting increased with time, it was getting rougher and harder making my back arch after not being able to control the wild rush of blood in my veins, my fingers clenched involuntarily digging deep into his back while i could feel he was enjoying the pain  "Aeri" my name escaped from his mouth.

bring back my senses into reality, i gasped loudly. i never thought of doing all this ever with anybody, this is very dangerous. i glanced at the mark looking through my refection

" i guess he has some marks to hide too" i said while waking out.

changing my hoodie to turtle next shirt to hide that unwanted gift given by my best friend.   i woke down.

walking toward the key holder i took out my bike's key

"are you going somewhere" lay hyung asked

"yes hyung, i have some very important work at the company" i lied, in reality, i was going to meet my mother.

"didn't you said you hate turtle neck sweaters as they make you suffocate and now you are wearing it" Suho hyung pointed at my shirt, why do you remember everything i say hyung. this one is problematic

"hyung, i hate something more than this shirt, so to hide it it's fine" i said blankly and they seemed confused with my answer  "cold hyung, i hate cold, and i caught a cold so i am wearing this" my super brain came up with a great excuse, my didn't you used your super brain yesterday my conscience blamed me again.

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