flashback 3

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very strangely it was too much quietness for a few days, Sehun didn't come to school for a week and wasn't even seen on his balcony and i hesitated to ask about him from my father.

why should i even care, it's better, i can live peacefully. i kept on telling myself this but deep inside i was missing his annoying presence. i felt extra lonely during school hours as no student ever dared to talk to me after that fighting incident and even though they used to say anything, i didn't use to understand much.

tirelessly i dragged my feet to the classroom but all my tiredness went off when i saw Sehun sitting on our desk. my face glowed again and i hopped toward our seat making sure he didn't realize that I was happy to see him.

he kept looking outside the window and didn't even shared a word with me. what's with him, 

"what does this word mean," i asked him while pointing at the book

"This means 'smile'" he answered me while looking at the book

"and this one" i pointed at another word

"-this means 'or I'll kill you'" he answered and i thought he would get it and smile but he didn't  , he seemed really depressed

Class finished I left for the washroom and there I heard some girls

" he again failed in an audition," one of the girls said  while straightening her hairs

"- Is he going to remain just as a trainee, not an idol" another voice came and i kept on hearing them while standing on the entrance

"the face always doesn't work" the third girl said and i was highly irritated and i got inside and noticed it was those girls only who were fighting with me that day for him

"but my hand can work properly if you don't stop this bullshit" i warned them and they all ran out while pushing each other

i went out and searched for him everywhere and lastly found him on the basketball ground, sitting there with a ball.

"up for a match" i snatched the ball from him

" I am not in the mood right now" he got up, tiding his dress

" Well, just one match-winner gets a wish" i  insisted on him and he got ready

we started playing but still he was lost somewhere else, he didn't have his mind on the game which made me easier to win it. i was able to easily basket the ball.

" don't worry, don't give up your hopes," i teased him while spinning the ball in my finger  "losing teaches you a lot"

"what if you never learn after losing continuously," he said in a remorse tone

"then you need a good teacher," i said while pointing at myself

"what do you mean?" he was confused

"I'll teach you," i said and looked away

"really" he wanted conformation

"yes, if you will teach me Korean" i extended my hand and he brought his and we shook hands to confirm the deal

"do you want to travel to Seoul?" he suddenly asked out of the blue looking very excited

"Why are you suddenly asking me that?" i asked him

" I just want to light up my mood, " he said looking away and then again turning toward me     "just don't fall in love with me on the way" he winked

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