Chapter 1: Locked Up

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Eren's POV.

I woke up to my stomach aching. I must've slept too much and missed my breakfast. I opened my eyes and saw the crumbling ceiling. I sighed and sat up. I felt the chains on my wrist move a little bit from my action. I looked around the dimly lit room. My eyes landed on the door to where my food was supposed to be placed but to my suprise, there wasn't any food there. That's strange. Even if I'm locked up, they still give me food and water. Did they forgot to bring me any?

Did they decided for me to rot in here? No, I'm too valuable for them to loose. I leaned my back at the wall, my right leg up and my right hand rested on top of my right knee. I looked up to the ceiling again and sighed.

Why did I have to become a titan? Titans are what ruined our lives, our humanity going rogue and extinct because of them. And here I am, just like those monsters who killed innocent lives for themselves. Even if I'm on the good side, I'm still a titan. And the weight of humanity, of every single one of these people who lives inside these walls, is all on me. Why me? Why does it have to be me who decides our fate? It could've been Commander Erwin or the government... Or Humanity's Strongest, Levi, himself.

My thoughts were interrupted by a door opening and closing. I still kept my gaze on the ceiling. I heard faint footsteps growing louder and louder until it stopped. "Oi, brat. Are you awake?" An annoyed monotone voice made me look at the door to see none other than the Humanity's Strongest Soldier. He was wearing a gray shirt with a long v-neck that shows a little bit of his upper chest and black skinny jeans. His right hand holding a plate of food and his left hand was on his hips.

I didn't answer his question. For some reason, I can't look away from him. My eyes won't cooperate with me. He was just so hot. I felt myself blush but kept on staring at him.

"Tch, are you gonna say something or are you just going to stare at me like you saw the love of your life?" He said in a more annoyed tone, if that was possible. I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. He had enough waiting so he decided to open the door and went inside the room. He put the plate full of food in the table across my bed and closed the door, locking it in the process.

I finally snapped my gaze away from him and looked at the food on the table. I looked at him again, he was leaning against the door, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking at me intensely with his grayish blue eyes. Even if the room was dimly lit, I can still see his eyes shining lightly through the dark. Our eyes locked onto to each other for a moment then I looked down, a light blush on my face again.

Why do I keep on blushing? What the hell is wrong with me? I suddenly heard footsteps then it stopped right in front of me. Why do I suddenly feel nervous? Is it because of his attitude? Is it because he's the second in command?

"Oi, are you blind? Do want to starve yourself to death?" He said, still with an annoyed tone. I suddenly felt hands around my hair and pulled me towards the edge of the bed, where he was standing. He forced my head to look up at him, meeting his eyes for the second time but this time instead of seeing his normal, emotionless eyes, his eyes we're now softer than before then became more of an aggressive look. "You can talk right?" He said as I slowly nodded. "Tch, thought you became deaf. Besides, it's rude to just ignore people who's talking to you." He said as he smirked and threw me back, laying down on the bed.

Suddenly, he took off his shoes and sat on top of me. My eyes widened as he leaned down on my ear and whispered, "Those who ignore me gets a punishment. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you since it's your first time~" I shivered at his breath and he started nibbling on my earlobe.

He sat up again and this time instead of going for my ear, he went for my lips. I gasped as he kissed me. I started to melt into the kiss, taking small breaths for air and my eyes started to close. He started to explore his hand around my body. He brushed his hand against my member and I gasped into the kiss, not wasting his chance, swirled his tongue around mine, exploring my mouth. I started to moan a little. His hot tongue feels so good on my mouth.

While still in the kiss, I heard the chains around my wrist jingle and I felt my arms rose up. I wanted to struggle and push him back but for some reason, I feel so weak. I can't move my body no matter how hard I try. He broke off the kiss and sat up again, a small smirk plastered on his face. We caught our breath for a minute and he went down to my neck, kissing and sucking on it. I breathe out a shaky breath to the sudden action. I suddenly felt hands on my pants, pulling them down, along with my underwear. My eyes widened again and gasped because he found my sweet spot on my neck. He stroked my member and I breathe out a shaky sigh. He stopped kissing my neck and put my shirt up to reveal my chest. "This basement is hollow. If you make too much noise, we'll get caught and I'll punish you more for that. So be quiet, brat." He said in my ear and started kssing my chest down to my abdomen. He grabbed a tight hold on my member, looked at me with his aggresive eyes and sucked on it. I gasped and moaned quietly.

What is this feeling? Why am I suddenly so weak and vulnerable? Why is my heart racing so fast? Is this what they call pleasure? Why does it feel so good? Wait, shit what am I thinking? This is wrong. I feel so violated but I can't do anything. My body refused to move on its spot. Levi started to suck on my member fast, his head and hands bobbing up and down. I threw my head back and gripped on the chains on my wrist. Shit, why am I enjoying this? Levi started to go even faster and faster. I opened my mouth and moaned. My breathing started to quicken and I started to pant while moaning more. I suddenly want more of it. Why though? He stopped sucking on my member and kissed me again, still bobbing his right hand on my member. He bit my lower lip and pushed his tongue in my mouth again. Then he moved on to my neck again while going even more faster on my member than before. I started to struggle a little bit and put my hips up for more of this feeling called pleasure. "Do you like that? You're enjoying it, are you?~" He whispered in my ear again and went back to sucking my neck, biting softly this time. "Ah~" I moaned as I felt something coming up on my abdomen. "C'mon, I know you want to cum. Go right ahead~" He tightened his grip more on my member and he went back down to suck on it, going in the fastest pace that he can possibly do. "Ah~ Levi, shit~ Aaah~" I said as I started to stuggle more, lifting my hips up more for him to go even deeper. His hot mouth and tongue makes me feel so amazing and its driving me insane. I can't take it anymore. "Levi, aaAH~!" I moaned loudly as I came in his mouth. He spit my cum on the bucket at the end of my bed and kissed me again, tasting some of my cum in his mouth.

He sat back up and looked at me, both of us panting and breathing heavily. He took a key out of his pocket in his pants and unlocked the cuffs on my wrist. My arms fell down on my chest, still panting and tired. "Get dressed up and eat your food. Tomorrow you'll be going to court to decide what we'll do with you. Be sure that you won't fuck up or else I'll punish you again and this time, I won't go easy on you." Levi said as he unlocked the door, went out, closed the door without even looking back at me.

I stared at the door for a while and decided to put my pants back up and went to the table to eat my food. I don't know what to think. What the hell just happened?

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