Chapter 4: Tired

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Levi's POV.

I walked out of the carriage with Erwin and instantly we heard an explosion. I guess the plan worked out and it's safe to say that Annie is the Female Titan but now the whole city will be wiped out. "Nile!" Erwin calls out to the Commander of the Military Police. Nile turned around with a shocked face. "Deploy all troops immediately. We should assume a Titan has appered." Erwin said as Nile's eyes widened and panic starts to be clear in his eyes. "A-Are you crazy? This is Wall Sina, you know! No titan shows up here!" Nile said as I become annoyed. Tch, what a scaredy cat for a commander.

Suddenly, Jean came out of the carriage but an MP stopped him. "I'm done playing dress up!" Jean said and took off the wig. I knew that idiot wouldn't stay put for long, especially since he's cosplaying the titan boy he oh so hate so much. The MP yelped and stumbled back. "Never call me Jaeger again, you halfwit!" Jean said as he ran to Erwin, and told him he wants to help the titan situation. Erwin allowed him to take equipment from the 4th squad. He nodded as he put on his Scout Cloak properly over his shoulder.

"Bravado is nice and all but just remember to stay alive." I said as he answered back, "Yes, sir!" He ran to get his equipment as scaredy cat commander gasped and gritted his teeth. "Erwin! What the hell was that?!" Nile said but before Erwin can answer, a scout called out as he brought some equipment for Erwin. Erwin complimented him and wore the gear. As he sheathe the the handle of the sword, Nile shouted, "Hold on, Erwin!" "All able-boddied soldiers, follow me! We're going to rendezvous with the Capture Squad!" Erwin commanded, cutting off commander scaredy cat. Erwin started to walk away but Nile stopped him and pointed a gun at him.

Suddenly all of the MPs in the area all pointed their guns at Me and Erwin. "You're commiting a clear act of treason against the Royal Government!" Nile accused Erwin and he's getting in my nerves. Such a fucking dumb idiot. "Nile, are you as rubbish-brained as you look? You don't seem to understand what's happening here." I said but he shrugged it off like I didn't even exist here and ordered Erwin to take off his gear.

A yellow lightning suddenly appeared in the sky. Oh great, fucking titan boy finally turned into a god damn titan. I know its part of the plan but still, another point on the scoreboard for making this situation worse.

An MP went to tell us that 2 titans are now fighting inside Stohess district. "Titans are fighting each other?" "Yes, the damage done to this city is unimaginable. Scores of civilians and soldiers have been killed or wounded." I know this plan is a really risky and deadly one but Erwin is always taking the risks like nothing just so he can get what he wants. I personally don't agree with this plan but there's nothing I can do to change Erwin's mind.

Commander scaredy cat pointed his gun to Erwin, teeth gritted and let out a grunt of frustration. "Erwin, is this the result of your doing?" Nile said as I crossed my arms and glarred at him. "It is. I acted entirely on my own authority. I offer no excuses." Erwin said as Nile walked to him and grabbed him by his collar. "You must have known what this plan of yours would have caused in the middle of a city! Why did you do it?" Erwin was silent for a few seconds but then answered him, "For mankind's victory." Nile started shouting and accusing Erwin for his actions but Erwin answered back with his beliefs that its a step forward for humanity. All this talking shit is making me want to slice the arms and legs of this panicked scared hell of a commander.

I started to think about Eren and the destruction him and Annie did. Tch, that brat will have another punishment from me for wrecking the city more than it needs to be. I can't help but think on what he's going through right now. Betrayal and death are the worst things to happen to a person. I've been trying to prptect him from those but the world wouldn't let me and now I'm not the only who feels this way. To be honest, I feel so sorry for the boy but I'm also kinda relieved that I'm not the only one who feels the pain anymore and someone is there to carry it with me.

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