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Hey guys! Finally I get to finish this book! But before I end this off, I want to clarify some things.

First of all, this book is complete. Back then, I was thinking if I'm going to continue this book until the final ever episode of Attack On Titan. It was fun writing this book but a lot is going on with my life and I don't have that much time to write anymore. Mostly because I had writers block and I'm lazy to write so I always procrastinate that's why chapter were slowly going out hehe. But I want to focus on myself and my studies more so I'm going to leave this story with a kind if bittersweet ending because not all love stories have a happy ending nor a sad ending.

Second of all, prior to the first one, I only did this book because I had a deal with a friend and this is my end of the bargain. Supposedly, this book will only have 10 chapters but like I said, I had fun writing it so I extended it a bit.  But now, I think my end is done and the deal is done. If my friend is reading this then hi! Thank you for everything and hope you somewhat like this even if its kinda trashhh.

And lastly, thank you everyone for reading this. Sorry if it sucks especially on the smuts hehe.

But nevertheless, hope you guys enjoyed this book! It's been an amazing and fun adventure with this book. Again, thank you and have a good day/night! Lots of love!💜

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