dating an animator × hopekook

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hoseok hated seeing his boyfriend in front of his drawing tablet all night, the young boy worked hard as an animator.

jungkook was an animator who made animations on youtube, he had over 5 million subscribers and hoseok was counting the days until the boy hit 6 million subscribers.


every morning, hoseok would wake up and cuss at jungkook's drawing tablet for a solid two minutes. he ranted about how the stupid tablet was taking his boyfriend away.

today was different. when hoseok woke up, he found out jungkook hiy 6 million subscribers while they were asleep. hoseok immediately ran out the house to buy a cake. jungkook was still deep into sleep.


the younger boy was woken up by hoseok's giggles, it was an adorable sound to wake up to. what he didn't expect was a cake at ten in the morning.

"what's the cake for?" jungkook yawned, "you hit six million!" hoseok said, a wide smile spread across his face, "oh wow" jungkook smiled, he looked at the cake and took a picture of it. he placed it on the nightstand and hugged his boyfriend.

"all because of you, seokie" jungkook chuckled, kissing each hoseok's cheeks, "i think you should give yourself more credit" hoseok said, jungkook sighed, "hm, you need some too"

hoseok ruffled jungkook's hair, "it's all because of you jungkookie, let's go have breakfast" hoseok said, the animator instantly denied, "i need to finish an animation, give me an hour or two" jungkook smiled but hoseok didn't return the smile. jungkook would always say this and work on it until he passed out in his chair.

hoseok groaned and left the room, slamming the door shut in front of jungkook. he went outside to get some fresh air, maybe that's all he needed.


"stupid ass tablet" hoseok mumbled, aggressively picking at the grass in their backyard. he had never despised technology as much as he did right now.

stupid ass tablet. stupid, stupid, stupid. it was everything going on his hoseok's head, he wanted to throw jungkook's tablet out the window.

on the other hand, jungkook was shocked. he couldn't process what had just happened. he knew he had fucked up badly but how badly?

he made no hesitation to put on his slippers and jog outside.


"hey seokie baby" jungkook softly said, hoseok furrowed his brows and pouted, "i don't want to talk to you or your tablet" hoseok said, jungkook sat next to the boy, "why not?"

hoseok huffed, "go away, i'm breathing fresh air" the boy said, jungkook sighed and nodded, "i'll be back in 10 minutes"

jungkook left but kept looking at hoseok from the window, the boy was either pacing in circles or doing yoga, there was no in between.


eventually hosoek went back into the house, he was still pouting though which made jungkook smile. it was cute.

"can you talk to me?" jungkook frowned, hoseok picked at the skin around his nail, "thought you had an animation to work on" hoseok hummed, jungkook chuckled, "i do but you matter more"

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