Yandere!2P!Iceland x Reader

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Requested by: Fox-C from Quotev

You looked up from the book you were reading, eyeing your surroundings wearily for the nth time that day. You weren't usually the type to be paranoid,–You couldn't afford to be in a house with a pyromaniac, two sadists, and an apathetic–but recently you had begun to get a feeling that someone was... watching you.

“Markell...?” The blond Dane hummed in acknowledgment, not looking up from his own book. “Have you felt anyone... watching us recently?” The two of you had spent the majority of the past few days together, reading and going over your most recent book infatuations, The Outsiders and Oliver Twist.

He finally looked up, marking his place in the book you lent him before setting down his book and taking off his glasses. “No, I haven't. Why?”

You fidgeted, hesitant to tell why. “It's just... I feel like someone's been stalking me... Maybe it's just my imagination, but...”

Markell waved off your concerns, putting his glasses back on and returning to his book. “I'm sure it's nothing. Don't worry about it.”

You fingered a stray string from the arm of the ruby red chair you sat on, still nervous despite your best friend's reassurance. It's not that you doubted Markell, but you just couldn't shake off the feeling that you were being watched. Just this once, you would let yourself doubt his opinion, even if he was usually right.

... No. That was stupid. He probably was right. Markell always was. What reason did you have to doubt him now? You hadn't in the past. Maybe you should believe in him. He was the one who always got you out of trouble, after all. And it's not like anyone had a reason to stalk you. Yeah. You'd trust in Markell. You were just being paranoid.

“... Yeah, you're right.”

“Now then.” The Dane began. “Where are you in the book?”

Yawning, you stood up and stretched. The two of you had been sitting and reading for hours, and you were honestly exhausted. Discussing books took up a surprising amount of energy.

“Imma go to my room... I'm tired,” You sighed, directing your gaze towards Markell, eye half-lidded.

Markell nodded, loosening his tie. “I'll talk to you later then.”

“Mmhmm...” You slouched, book loosely tucked underneath your arm as you shuffled towards the door. Just as you opened it though, you came face to face with Loki.

“(Name)!” He exclaimed, a grin crossing his face. A hand was slapped down onto your right shoulder, making you acutely aware of the burn mark you had there. “We're you talking to Markell about books again?”

Three years ago, you had started rooming with the five men you lived with now. At first it had been unnerving, being around so many of the opposite gender, especially since you didn't particularly care for going outside more than you preferred staying indoors. Even more so daunting once you found out some of their... hobbies. Later you learned to put it past you, but it was still unsettling at times when you happened to walk into it.

You had thought Loki was one of the normal ones. More sympathetic, kinder, less likely to hurt someone. And he certainly seemed that way, with how charismatic he was. It was easy to be fooled by how cheerful he was. Not to say he was much of a bad person. You just… didn’t want to be on his bad side.

Hetalia Drabbles - Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now