Denmark x Reader

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Imagine your OTP in high school. Persona A is a photographer for the school newspaper/yearbook, while Person B is an athlete. One night, during a game, Person A is taking action shots and catches Person B's eye, distracting them from the game. Suddenly, B get's tackled/injured/whatever, all because he was looking at the cute photographer on the sidelines.

Credits for prompt goes to otpprompts on tumblr

Requested on Quotev.

Mathias grinned as he dribbled the ball closer to the goal. It was nearing the end of the last half, and he would be damned if he didn't make this goal, the tie-breaker.

All of a sudden, bright flashes of light following him on the sidelines caught his attention. A cute photographer with (hair length) (hair color) was running down the sidelines in her jeans and band shirt, taking shots with their camera as he ran down the field. Mathias stared too long though, and ended up slipping and falling in the mud, foot hitting the ball and sending it rolling out of bounds.

"Yo! Math! You okay?" Alfred, one of the other midfielders jogged up to the Danish teen, holding out a hand and pulling him up off the floor.

"Ah, yeah, I'm good," Mathias said distractedly, glancing over to to the camera girl, who seemed to be fiddling with her camera in embarrassment. Every once and a while she would glance up at him in worry, but soon glance down again until another person, this time a boy, came up to take the camera off her hands.

"Hey, Alfred, you know her?" He asked the other blond, gesturing to the girl, who was hurriedly speed-walking back towards the school building and away from the fields.

"Oh, you mean (Name)? Yeah, I know her. She's on the newspaper committee with Mattie. Why?"

"Nothing," Mathias shoot his head. "Come on. Let's get going. I think the ref. is starting to get annoyed at us."


"Hey, Lukas, you're in the Newspaper club, right?"

Lukas, a blond teen in the same grade as Mathias, looked up from his book and at his (unfortunately) step-sibling. "Yes. Why?"

"Do you know (Name)?" Mathias looked at the other with hopeful eyes.

Lukas sighed, placing a bookmark in his book before placing it down on the table. "What do you want with her?"

"Nothing!" Mathias flushed at the deadpan he received. "I swear! I just want… ed to know if you could tell me about her…?"

Lukas sighed again.

"Fine, but only because you seem like a desperate beggar and I don't want to deal with you acting like a kicked puppy if I don't tell you. Don't think this means I actually like being around you."


The next day as he walked into school, Mathias was greeted by a grinning and excited Alfred, who shoved that week's issue of the school newspaper in his face.

"Dude! Look at this article!" He yelled, pointing to an article on the front page side column.

He took the paper from Alfred's hands, and began to read.

Soccer Star Mathias Køhler Slips and Misses Goal!

Rival School Nearly Takes The Win!

He grimaced at the title and skipped over that part of the article, stopping once he saw an interesting bit at the bottom.

Dear Mathias Køhler,

I am extremely sorry about distracting you during the game. If it weren't for me trying to take action shots, you would have made the goal. And there wouldn't be an article on it. Sorry… I hope you can please forgive me for it. I apologize profusely.


(First Name) (Last Name)

Mathias chuckled at the short letter, earning a confused look as he handed back the paper and began to walk away.

"Wait! Math! Where are you going?"

He looked back at Alfred with a grin on his face.

"To go reply to (Name)!"

A/N: So… I hope this is acceptable? I think it's decent, but I'm not quite sure this is what you wanted when you requested 'apology letter'. Hope you like it.

Hetalia Drabbles - Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now