America x Reader II

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“God dammit, Alfred! Haven’t I already told you no?!” You nearly screamed, storming down the sidewalk, the persistent blonde following close behind.

“C’mon, (Name)! Just this once? Please?”

“I said no!”

“One date, (Name!) It’s just one date! Why not? It can even be a double date if you want! Arthur hasn’t gone on a date with his girlfriend in nearly a month so I’m sure he’ll be willing!”

You sighed.

The blonde idiot here had been pining after you for months, and even though you turned him down every single time, he still continued. As much as you hated to admit it, you were starting to feel bad for him.

You swallowed, struggling to say what you wanted to.

“... J-Just this once, okay, Alfred? You have one chance. Pick me up at two o’clock tomorrow.”

The blond’s eyes sparkled behind his thick-lensed glasses and he excitedly told you, “You got it, (Name)! I’ll make sure this is the best date you’ve ever been on!” before turning and running off, most likely to start ‘planning’ for your date.

Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sighed, and continued on your way home.

At exactly two o’clock, your doorbell rang, indicating the arrival of your ‘date’. You weren’t exactly sure what your thoughts on him were.

“(Name)! It’s me!” You heard him call to you from outside.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” You called out, quickly adjusting your outfit before hurrying to open the front door. “No need to yell!”

You opened the door to reveal an ecstatic blonde American who was holding flowers, a grin ever present on his face.

“Hi, (Name)! Are you ready?”

You nodded and told him to wait as you went to go grab your bag. Around half a minute later, you appeared back in the doorway, giving a curt, “I’m ready.”

“Alright! Let’s go! I just know you’re going to love this date!”

You sighed, and followed him, not like you could do much else.

You two shared a pleasant dinner filled with small talk and laughter and you were surprised to find that you actually enjoyed it. You quickly shook off that feeling though as he payed for your dinner and you walked out of the restaurant, coming to a stop in front of a small shop.

“A bookstore?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at the blond. It hadn’t been expected of him to take you to a bookstore of all places. You didn’t know him all that well, but you had assumed that he wasn’t much of a reader.

He laughed, slightly embarrassed, and replied, “Well, I know you like books and all so I thought that you might like to stop here after dinner…” His expression quickly molded into one of worry. “You don’t like it? We could go somewhere else!” He rushed out, panicking.

You laughed softly at how adorable he looked and quickly consoled him before going inside the store, Alfred following at your heels.

Nonchalantly flipping through a book and glancing over at your date in the comic section, you mulled over your earlier thoughts. Did you really think he was cute? Surely that didn’t mean you liked him, did it? You waved off the thought. Of course you didn’t. You thought your younger brother and sister were cute, and you didn’t like them. In either a romantic or platonic sense--Well, at least you didn’t like them much in a platonic sense.

Putting back your current book, you wandered around the bookstore for around twenty more minutes before settling on three books: Genius Squad*, The Value of Life**, and From Parts Unknown***. Upon thinking some more you also added Excelsior**** to the pile.

“I’m done, Alfred. Are you ready?” You asked, appearing next to your date with aforementioned books in hands.

He jumped in surprise, nearly dropping the Captain America comic he had been checking out.

“Oh, um, yeah, I am. Here.” He said, taking the books from your arms. “I’ll pay for you.” Not that you had expected any less. How rude would it have been if he had offered to go to a bookstore, and then had you pay for all your stuff.

Soon enough, once again you were walking down the street at his side, your hand brushing against his every once-in-a-while. Not that it meant anything to you. Because you absolutely could not like this dorky blonde idiot.

“So, the books you got seemed interesting… You a fan of the authors?” It was apparent that Alfred was attempting to make small talk and you decided to humor him.

“Of two of them. I hadn’t heard of the other one, but their book caught my interest.” You found yourself going on about books and was pleasantly surprised by an extremely attentive Alfred, who was surprisingly active in input to the conversation, often adding in his own opinions. It came as a surprise to both of you that both of your interests were actually quite similar, as much as you would deny it. You had even ended up so into the conversation that you were, for what seemed like the millionth time that night, surprised when you arrived at home.

“So, I guess This is where I say goodbye…” Alfred sulked. “But did you have fun? I don’t want to be the only one…”

You shifted the bags in your arms and glanced to the side, fidgeting. “I-I suppose you could say that…”

He immediately brightened and you could swear you saw sparkles around him. “Does that mean we can do it again?”

A tick mark appeared on your head and you scowled at his overly cheerful composition. “I”m going inside. Just take this and go!” Excelsior was shoved in his hands.

As the door closed behind you heard a laugh and holler of, “Thanks, (Name)! I’ll read it! ‘Love you! Don’t let the bedbugs bite!”

… Yeah, there was no way you liked him.

*Part of the Evil Genius series by Catherine Jinks. Book two.

**A book by Andy Crowson.

***An unfinished five-part serial by George Sirois.

****A sci-fi adventure book by George Sirois with superheroes.

A/N: Hey, guys. Sorry this took so long. I really have no excuses. But please, guys. Request something! I’m not sure who to write next and my muse hasn’t struck for hetalia x readers in a while. I need an idea for who to write next. Other than that though, thanks for all the support you guys have given me! You’re all awesome! ‘Love ya!

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