Norway x Reader

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"Come on, (Name). We'll do it together on the count of three," Your lover, Lukas Bondevik, tried to convince you - and was failing might I add.

"No way, Lukas! I know you! You say that, but underneath your stoic exterior you're a huge prankster! You're just going to leave me hanging and I'll end up doing it all by myself!"

Norway placed a hand in your shoulder and looked you in the eye. "I promise I won't do that, (Name), so eat the chiles with me on the count of three."

"I refuse."


You tried your hardest not to give into the absolutely ADORABLE pleading look Lukas was giving you(If you could call it pleading. He still looked as stoic as ever).

Don't look, don't look, don't look, annnnnd you looked.

"Fine. Don't you dare leave me to do it myself, though, Nor!" You gave in, giving your boyfriend a pointed look.

"I won't."

"I'm holding you to that, Nor."

You reluctantly picked up the chile and waited as Norway slowly counted down to one before taking a bite out nearly the entire thing.

"Hot, hot, hot, hoooooot! I need water. Where's the water!" You panicked, looking around frantically trying to find something to soothe the burning in your mouth. Finally having tracked down some milk, you glared at your boyfriend, who was staring at you in amusement, the edges of his mouth curved upward into a barely noticeable smirk. "Y-You jerk! I KNEW you were going to make me do it alone! This is why I never do any of the stuff you ask me to do!"

"It's not like I ask you to do things often."

You huffed and turned your back on him, only giving him the chance to come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, which he did.

"I'm never doing anything you ask me to do that I don't want to do ever again!" You declared, only to feel the blonde chuckle lightly against your neck.

"If you say so, (Name)."

"I'm telling the truth!"


"I'm holding you to that, Nor. I can always convince Denmark to purposefully annoy you all day."

"He'd pass out before he could try."

You sweatdropped at the seriousness of Lukas's tone.

"You wouldn't really choke him for that long... Would you?"

Hetalia Drabbles - Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now