Abilities & Powers

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Master Spy: Vanya is a dangerous secret agent highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Romanoff is well versed in internal destabilization and was soon deemed a threat to global security because of this. She often resorts to seducing men to obtain her goals while working undercover.

Master Martial Artist: Vanya is one of the best fighters in the world, having been trained from a young age in the Red Room and S.H.I.E.L.D. in her later life as a top operative. During her time in the Red Room, she has been seen using her martial arts to defeat a grown man by swinging his head into the corner of a desk, proving how formidable she was even when she was young. She was extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as sambo, hapkido, Lucha libre-style wrestling, Krav Maga, multiple styles of kung fu, wing chun, Taekwondo, and kali with her batons.

Spear Mastery: Vanya shows great skill in the use of a spear in close combat.

Staff Mastery: Romanoff possessed tremendous skill in using a staff.

Master Acrobat: Romanoff is highly skilled in incorporating gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents.

Master Assassin: Romanoff is notorious for the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world.

Master Marksman: Romanoff was a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting.

Gifted Intellect: Romanoff's intellect seemingly put her on par with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. She possessed the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possessed a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example the crotch, stomach, armpits, and head. Her prodigious skill from her years of training also allows her to predict her opponents' plans of attack as well.

Master Interrogator

Expert Hacker: Romanoff could hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security.

Pilot: Romanoff is a skilled pilot, capable of flying a Quinjet with ease.

Multilingualism: Romanoff is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Latin, and various other languages.

Hydra experiment:

Psionics: As a result of exposure to cosmic energies, Vanya gained an array of psionic powers.

Psionic Energy Manipulation: Vanya can project energy blasts, streams, waves, and bolts of her own psionic and telekinetic energy, allowing her to hit, push/pull, or blow away her targets, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them.

Telekinesis: Vanya can move, levitate, and otherwise manipulate objects remotely using her psionic energy without the need for her energy to first be projected from her hands.

Disintegration: Vanya is capable of using her energy in such an acute telekinetic way that she can completely disintegrate objects on a molecular level.

Force-field Generation: Vanya can create a highly durable barrier of telekinetic energy that she can shape and conform to as needed.

Flight: Vanya can use her telekinesis to move through the air and simulate flight, to hover and safely float back to the ground.

Telepathy: Due to her ability to interact mentally with others, Vanya can read minds, communicate telepathically, and experience the memories and thoughts of others.

Mental Manipulation: Vanya can deploy a form of mental manipulation, often as a type of illusory hypnosis, using the same neuro-electric interface that is the basis of her telepathic powers.

Emotional Manipulation: With her mental powers, Vanya often used them to elicit fear or emotional pain in a person in the form of nightmarish hallucinations that could stun and weaken even an individual.

Reality Manipulation: Vanya can warp reality.

Conjuration: With a snap of her fingers, Vanya can conjure anything at will.

Electricity Manipulation

Weather Manipulation

Fire Manipulation

Astral Projection

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