25. Better

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"- Elsa: What woud I do without you?- Anna: You'll always have me

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"- Elsa: What woud I do without you?
- Anna: You'll always have me."


Nobodies POV

"It's miraculous Ms. Romanoff, nothing I've ever seen before, Vanya and Pietro seem to be connected." The doctor breaths

Two beds were in the middle of the room, monitors surrounded the two, causing a loud beeping noise to emit throughout the room.

Natasha stares through the glass as the room glows a ominous orange. Nats eyes were rimmed red.

"What does that mean." Steve asks, he stood besides Nat.

"Vanya'a magic is actually healing them both, it's extraordinary really." The doctor praises

Wanda sniffles, pressing her hand to the window, staring at her brothers pale form. "Will they be okay." Wanda asks, her eyes focused on Pietro.

"At this rate, they'll wake up at the end of the week. But for Vanya, it'll take a bit longer, she seems to focusing her magic on Pietro." The doctor says

Natasha sighs, closing her eyes. Steve looks down at Natasha, gently rubbing her back in comfort.

"Is there anything I can do? I have the same abilities as her." Wanda says

"In a way you do but, not completely. Your powers were born from the mind stone while Vanyas we're born from the power stone, you can manipulate the mind while she can manipulate a high level of cosmic power, enabling her to heal herself and others." The doctor says

"Is that why she couldn't resist my powers when I created the vision." Wanda asks

"Yes, but if you both take the time, you can learn to do what the other can." The doctor says

"How do you know all of this." Natasha asks "I've studied gamma radiation and the stones, and it's fascinating." The doctor says

"Thanks doc." Steve says

"It's my pleasure really, so no thanks are needed." The doctor says

The doctor leaves.

"Your sister is incredible, I'm so sorry about all of this." Wanda says

"The good thing is she's getting better." Natasha says

Silver and Gold • (Pietro Maximoff) • Age of Ultron • Marvel UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now