15. Connection

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"It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love"

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"It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love".
- Horace Slughorn


Nobodies POV

U-Gin Genetic Research Lab, Seoul, Korea - as Cho enters her lab she sees Ultron. "Scream, and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't." Ultron says

"Do you expect a thank you note?" Helen ask "I expect you to know why." Ultron says "The Cradle." Helen says

She hears her own recorded voice.

"This is the next thing, Tony." Helen says

"This...is the next me." Ultron says "The regeneration cradle prints tissue, it can't build a living body." Helen says

"It can, you can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant woman, Helen. But we all have room to improve." Ultron says

Ultron uses the scepter to mind-control Cho.


At Barton's house.

Natasha and Steve are still experiencing the after effects of Wanda's hallucinations.

Steve walks out of the bathroom and sees Natasha waiting outside. "I didn't realize you were waiting." Steve says

"I would've joined you, but uh, it didn't seem like the right time." Natasha says "They used up all the hot water." Steve says

"I should've joined you." Natasha says "Missed our window." Steve says "Did we?" Natasha ask

"The world just saw us, unable to save them from one of us. They saw our weakness, for the first time. You know I have responsibilities, besides myself." Steve says

"But you assume that I don't? I had this, um, dream. The kind that seems normal at the time, but when you wake..." Natasha says

"What did you dream?" Steve asks "That I was an Avenger. That I was anything more than the assassin they made me." Natasha says

"I think you're being hard on yourself." Steve says "Here I was hoping that was your job." Natasha says. She leans close into him. "What are you doing?" Steve asks

"I'm running with it, with you. If running's the plan, as far as you want." Natasha says "Are you out of your mind?" Steve asks, he couldn't run.

Steve turns away from her. "I want you to understand that I'm..." Natasha says "Natasha, where can I go? Where in the world am I not Captain America?" Steve ask

"You're not just Captain American to me." Natasha says "You sure? Even if I didn't just...there's no future with me. I can't ever...I can't have this, kids, do the math. If I do, they'll never be safe." Steve says

"Well neither can I. In the Red Room, where I was trained, where I was raised, um, they have a graduation ceremony. They sterilize you. It's efficient. One less thing to worry about. The one thing that might matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier. Even killing." Natasha says

She hesitates a moment.

"You still think you're the only monster on the team?" Natasha ask "What, so we disappear?" Steve asks, it wasn't a possibility, but it was a nice thought.


Pietro stands alone in a small bathroom, he stares at his reflection.

Suddenly the reflection changes.

He sees Vanya, she was sleeping peacefully, Orange mist surrounded her form, connecting her to him.

Pietro watches as her chest rises and falls. He smiles, reaching towards her, only for his fingers to press against the mirror, stopping him.

Pietro sighs. He knows that he could never be with the red headed teen, he knows he's the bad guy, even if he thinks what he's doing is right.

Silver and Gold • (Pietro Maximoff) • Age of Ultron • Marvel UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now