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"The ignorance is avenged only by ignorance

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"The ignorance is avenged only by ignorance."
-Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh


The Avengers make their way onto the craft, only slowing when they spot Vanya holding Wanda in her arms.

"Well done warrior Vanya." Thor booms "That's my baby sister, always bringing down the bad guys." Natasha praises, smirking proudly at her sister.

Vanya smirks and she makes her way towards the back where she placed Pietro.

Pietro automatically stands when he spots his unconscious sister. "What did you do!" Pietro exclaims, trying and failing to get to his sister, tugging at the cuffs.

Vanya shrugs carelessly, placing Wanda onto the seat, leaning her against the wall and cuffing her into place.

"Nothing to worry about, she'll just get a little bruise, that's all." Vanya says, motioning to her neck.

Pietro sneers and he thrashes into his seat. "Get away from my sister, you monster." Pietro roars

Vanya smirks. "You have a pretty sister, I like pretty things, so I won't hurt her." Vanya says, gently caressing Wandas bruised neck.

Pietro stiffens, to him, the Avengers were the villains. Vanya notices the disgusted look on his face. "I only did what was necessary. You are the criminals." Vanya points out

Pietro doesn't say anything, he only glares.

"Okay Vanya, you are just being plain mean now, go check on Clint." Natasha asks

Vanya huffs and she leaves.

Natasha looks down at Pietro in distaste. "Excuse my sister, she has no manners." Natasha says, dully.

"I can hear you." Vanya sings from across the jet.



The Avengers are still on the aircraft heading out of Sokovia, Thor interrupts Banner who's listening to opera with his headphones.

"Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever." Thor whispers softly. It was a strange sight for the god, but when it came to his little scientist, he was different from the loud god who filled the room with loud laughter and playful violence.

Bruce smiles. "Just wasn't expecting the Code Green." Banner says

"If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. My best friend would've been a treasured memory." Natasha says, standing beside Thor.

Bruce looks up. "You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear." Banner says

Thor smiles, standing up straight, allowing Natasha and Bruce to talk.

Silver and Gold • (Pietro Maximoff) • Age of Ultron • Marvel UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now