6. Dictator

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"MEWLING QUIM!"-Loki Laufeyson

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-Loki Laufeyson


Nobodies POV

Vanya was seated at her vanity, placing small earrings into her ears. "You should make more friends outside of the Avengers, your young and your finally safe." Natasha says

Vanya sighs, turning to her sister. "I don't need more friends Natasha, I am good with the ones I have. I can't be greedy." Vanya says

"It's not about being greedy, you need someone normal, what about that coffee boy down the street, what is his name?" Natasha hums

"Harry, his name is Harry and he's nice, but I don't need normal, I am perfectly fine with my life and what type of life would I have. I'm a murder, what would I tell him." Vanya asks

"Your not a murder Vanya, you had no choice and you atoned for your crimes and your a Avenger now, so stop with the whole self pity act, you aren't that person." Natasha says

Vanya smirks. "Harry is cute, I'll go for it, but if he finds out I'm a spy, that is on you." Vanya says

"Hey if he finds out your a spy, you need a new occupation." Natasha teases

Vanya chuckles. "You look hot by the way." Natasha says "thanks you too." Vanya says

"What are you going to do with your hair?" Natasha asks, coming up behind Vanya, playing with the ends.

"I'm changing the color." Vanya says "how? The party is in a hour." Natasha says

Vanya smirks and she snaps her fingers, completely changing the color. "Ohh pretty and that's a very handy trick." Natasha says, fluffing Vanya's hair.

Vanya smiles.

It was a soft pink and it complimented her pale skin.


The basement.

Vanya walks up to the quiet cell. The twins were quietly playing with their food.

Pietro looks up when he hears sharp foot steps and his breath hitches. Vanya looked gorgeous. His eyes trail down her lace covered form, taking in every scar and every tattoo that mares her skin.

"So it's true, the Avengers are celebrating our capture." Wanda spits

"Oh no, your not that special. Sorry. We're celebrating the destruction of the last Hydra base and the fact that we have the scepter." Vanya says

Wanda scoffs. "Cut on head, two more grow in its place." Wanda says

"Wow, you really have that down, and you say your not a criminal. Of course I'm not saying that I'm a saint, but I know what's right or wrong." Vanya says

Wanda stands. "Do you really? You break bread with Stark, a man who's former title was The Merchant of Death." Wanda says

"Former title, you even said it yourself. Tell me what are your plans after defeating the Avengers, where do you expect to be welcomed." Vanya asks

"In time, the people will see." Pietro says

"Wow you've really got the villain lines down. You know, Loki said that to me once, when I asked him the exact same question. He stood above a screaming crowd, telling them to kneel and he too, thought he was doing was for the greater good." Vanya says

The twins stay silent, eyes firm on her. Vanya smirks before meeting Pietro's hateful gaze.

"Everyday I'm paying for my sins, and I've heard the same thing, over and over again. Killing is never the answer, and you plan to kill us because we go against your beliefs, that sounds like a dictator and I can give you dozens of examples of hateful and hypocritical dictators, I'm Russian so I know my own history." Vanya says

"I know that you believe they are the good guys, but I lost my family to people who think they are hero's. I only have my sister, and you can party and you can make your hair pretty but your no different to us. You have your beliefs and we have ours." Pietro says

"You won't ever go home, is that what you want? I know the people I work for aren't perfect and I know that they are dangerous, but that's why I'm here. I want to help you, because if it weren't for the people out there, I'd be rotting in a cell. Stop this petty vendetta and get the help you need." Vanya says

"We don't need your help." Wanda says

"It doesn't look like that from here." Vanya says

Vanya turns to leave but Pietro speaks one last time. "You look very pretty, I just wanted to let you know." Pietro says

Wanda sends her brother a glare.

Vanya smiles before leaving.

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