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"I'm listening

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"I'm listening."


"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack." Announcer says

The Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, and Iron Man bounces off of the base's force field.

"Shit!" Tony yells, annoyed.

"Language!" Steve scolds. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asks

Steve was riding on a motorcycle with Vanya right behind him, shooting down at any stragglers, her eyes dark and focused on the mission, looking completely different than the carefree woman from before.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis says through the comms, informing the rest of the Avengers, not just Cap.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor says, throwing his mighty hammer through a machine gun base.

Natasha hums in agreement as she knocks out some soldiers who are heading her way. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha says

As some soldiers shoot at him. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint says, pointing out the obvious.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" Tony asks, always on task.

"I know." Steve says with a small resigned sigh.

Steve grabs Vanya around the waist and he throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck. The two roll to the ground before landing on their feet.

"It just slipped out." Steve says


At the HYDRA Research Base, Sokovia, Eastern Europe.

"Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker asks

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers. They landed in the far woods, and the perimeter guard panicked." Fortress soldier says

To List. "They have to be after the scepter." To the soldier. "Can we hold them?" Strucker ask

"They are the Avengers!" Fortress soldier yells, looking at his director as if were stupid. "Deploy the rest of the tanks." Strucker says, thankfully for the soldier he didn't say anything.

"Yes, sir." Fortress soldier says

"Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks. Everything we've accomplished. But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough." Strucker says

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins." Dr. List says

"It's too soon." Strucker says with a shake of his head. "It's what they signed up for." Dr. Strucker argues. They needed every advantage they could get.

"My men can hold them." Strucker says, ignoring his suggestion.


Stark flies to the HYDRA base to break in. "Sir, the city is taking fire." Jarvis says

"Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion." Tony says


The Iron Legion flies in; to the civilians.

"This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help. This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. Please back away. We wish to avoid collateral damage and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved. We are here to help." Iron legion says

A man throws a stone at the Iron Legion.

"We are here to help." Iron Legion says.


Back at the HYDRA base.

To his soldiers.

"We will not yield. The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. We will send them back in bags. No Surrender!" Strucker yells, throwing his fist up.

"No Surrender!" Soldiers yell

Quietly to List. "I am going to surrender. You will delete everything. If we give the Avengers the weapons, they may not look too far into what we've been..." Strucker says

"The twins." Dr. List interrupts. "They are not ready to take on..." Strucker says

"No, no. I mean..." Dr. List says

He points to where the twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were standing but are now gone.

"The Twins." Dr. List says

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