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"IAN GALLAGHER" Mickey yelled walking into Kash And Grab. Ian ran into the freezer hoping to not be seen.

Mickey looked at Kash and said, "Where's carrot top at?" Kash shrugged his shoulders as Mickey grabbed a snickers bar.

"Are you gonna pay for that Mickey?" Kash asked reaching under the counter. "Nope." Mickey responded with taking a bite.

Kash grabbed the gun and pointed it at Mickey who laughed. Kash aimed it to the side and shot it. Ian came running from the freeze to see what was happening.

"Its a fucking snickers bar!" Mickey yelled putting his hands up. Kash went to pull the trigger again as Carl walked in.

Carl looked at a scared Mickey, a confused Ian and made eye contact with Kash. Kash said, "Move or ill shoot you too."

Carl rolled his eyes before saying, "Okay you know what asshole? Pull the trigger. My life couldn't get any fucking worse." Kash slowly put the gun down. Carl continued, "Yea that's right. Pull the motherfucking trigger."

Kash stormed out as Ian and Mickey made eye contact. Mickey took the gun off the counter before leaving.

Ian went behind the counter, being the only one in the small store besides Carl. Carl grabbed some snacks and beer, gave Ian the money and left.

Carl still had cornrows in no matter who told him to take them out.

Ian decided he was closing an hour early and walked with Carl. Carl looked at Ian and said, "No white boy, I don't know you."

Ian stopped in his tracks and shook his head before walking to the alibi.

Not surprisingly, Frank was sitting at the stool next to Kermit and Tommy. Lip was next to Frank arguing about who knows what.

Kev was already getting a glass and getting Ian a beer. All the Gallaghers were always willing to drink.

Mickey walked into the alibi when Ian still had half of a beer left. Ian seen Mickey and hurried and finished his beer and left. Mickey watched the redhead leave.

Kev looked at Mickey while filling his glass with beer, "What up with him?" Mickey raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "How the fuck should I know? I dont give a shit."

Kev just looked at Mickey with a raised eyebrow. He slowly handed Mickey the glass saying, "alright. okay then."


Ian and Kash both knew that Linda would throw a fit when she found out the gun was gone.

"No Ian, just go get it and do whatever you have to and get it back." Kash said, completely terrified of all and any Milkovich.

Ian rolled his eyes before heading out the door.

When Ian got to the Milkovich house, he walked in. Terry was asleep on the couch, Mandy in her room and the others were out somewhere. Probably breaking laws and doing illegal shit.

He walked into Mickeys room and Mickey made eye contact with the red headed Gallagher.

Mickey hurried and stood up grabbing the baseball bat by his bed. Ian looked at Mickey, not backing down, "I need the gun back."

Mickey laughed. Ian repeated, "I need the fucking gun."

Mickey went to swing the baseball bat, but was stopped by Ian pushing him. The two started fighting, pushing each other against walls, punching, attempts to hit the others face, stuff like that.

Mickey pushed Ian on his bed and had his hands around Ian's throat. The two made eye contact before ripping their clothes off.

Mickey was on the bottom and Ian did what needed to be done. When they were finished, Mickey gave Ian the gun back.

When Ian got back to the store, he gave Kash the gun and went home.


"Hey Lip?" Ian asked waiting for a response. Lip hummed so Ian could continue.

"So you know I'm gay or whatever, but I fucked a dude." Ian was sitting on his bed, not making eye contact with Lip who was sitting on his own.

"Yea Ian, I know youve been fucking Kash the Perv." Lip said sounding very annoyed. "No," Ian started, "Milkovich."

Lips eyes got wide and he repeated, "Milkovich!? Not Mandy?" Ian nodded smirking slightly. Lip looked surprised, "Mickey!?"


Ian woke up the next day and didn't talk to anyone before leaving for work.

Ian was scared that Mickey was going to attempt to kill him for whatever he did or didn't do. He was scared that Kash was gonna try to kill Mickey or that something was gonna go wrong.

He walked into Kash and Grab and Linda was standing inside. When Ian walked in, she said, "Well it looks like Mickey works here cuz he needed a job because of juvie or some shit and since Kash tried to shoot him its the least I could do." Linda walked out leaving Kash, Ian and Mickey alone in the store.


Ian walked into the house, Fiona was sitting on the couch with Lip, both had beers in their hand. They were talking about something, but nothing to serious.

Ian took the beer out of Fionas hand and sat in the chair in the livingroom. "What's up Ian?" Fiona asked. His siblings could tell there was something wrong.

Ian chuckled, raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't know where to mickey is trying to kill me again, Kash almost shot Mickey over a fucking snickers bar, and now I am working with Kash and Mickey who both hate me at least a little."

Fiona slowly nodded her head as she raised her eyebrows widening her eyes, "Oh wow."

Authors note;
there's quite a few references in this chapter but idk if the rest will be like that or not. ill try to do at least one refrence per chapter lol

also I have no idea where this is gonna go

(references from S1E3, S1E9, S6E3, S9E13)

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