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As Ian was pulling Mickeys boxers down, they were stopped by approaching foot steps.

They both hurried away from each other and put their clothes back on.

Mandy smirked as her and Lip walked up to them. "Uh," lip said rubbing his nose smirking, "Fiona told me a had to bring you home. I'm not waiting till after you fuck mickey and she'll beat my ass or not let me in the damn house if you're not with me. Lets go."

Ian sighed as he looked at Mickey. Ian started to walk with Mandy and Lip back to the Gallagher house, leaving Mickey at the field.


Lips arm was around Mandy as they were walking down their street. Mandy looked at Ian and said, "What the fuck actually happened to your face though?"

Ian toucher his bruised, cut up bloody face and smiled to himself. "Your brother happened. We got in a fight n shit."

Mandy and Lip just chuckled. Mickey walked around the corner and said, "Hey man you started it." Ian smiled and shook his head, "No...well...Shut up Mick."

Mickey started walking with the three. Mandy gave him a look and said, "So you're coming back with us?" Mickey shrugged his shoulders and raised his eye brows as he said, "Yea why not?"


The four walked in the Gallagher house and went upstairs. It was late so everyone was sleeping except Fiona.

She walked into the room and made sure Ian was there. She didn't care that Mickey or Mandy were there. She turned the light off as she said, "Goodnight."

Ian and Lip hummed in response. Mandy was already laying in lips bed as he covered up Carl.

Ian was laying in his bed watching Mickey lay on the floor. Ian pulled the pillow up off the ground and put it in his bed. Mickey rolled his eyes flipping Ian off.

Mickey layed behind Ian, putting his arms around him and his face in Ian's back.


Ian was up early doing pull ups on the bathroom door frame as Carl woke up.

"Mickey your boyfriend?" Carl asked Ian. Ian looked at Carl and said "We hang out."

"He's in your bed."

"Yeah, his family's a nightmare."

"I think I got a girlfriend."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, her family's a nightmare too."

"Whose isn't?"

Carl looks at Ian and asks, "You love Mickey?"

Ian stops to think of a response. "I like the way he smells."

Mickey walks out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes, "What you asking stupid fucking questions for?" Mickey walks past Carl who is outside of the door and Ian who is now leaning against the bathroom door frame. Mickey goes to the toilet as Carl says, "Youre nicer when you're alseep."

Ian chuckled at Carl's comment.


Ian was in the kitchen sitting next to Mickey when Mandy and lip walked down. Mandy smiled at the two and said, "Okay but I'm just fucken wondering in you guys are a couple or not."

Lip walks behind Mandy and gives her a hug from behind. "Of course they are Mandy."

Mickey looked at the two then looked at Ian who was looking into his cup of orange juice. Mickey then did the unexpected and kissed Ians lips quickly.

Ian raised an eyebrow at Mickey who just shrugged. "As long as my dad don't find out, who gives a shit."

Ian and Mandy both smiled to themselves because of Mickeys comment.


"So," Ian started looking at Mickey. "Were a couple?"

They were alone in the house so Ian was sitting on the couch. Mickey was laying across the couch with his head in Ian's lap. Ian was playing with Mickeys hair.

Mickey looked at Ian and said, "Yea, why not?" Mickeys tone was serious.

"Yea but we can't be open about it which-" Ian was cut off by Mickey. "If my fucking dad finds out he will kill me. He will fucking kill you. Shit, he'll even kill everyone that knew. He's just a bastard like that."

Ian sighed as Mickey sat up. Ian got up and walked out walking to the Alibi.


As Ian walked in the Alibi, Fiona, Lip, Mandy, Kermit, Tommy and a couple of others were there. The one that really caught his eye, Terry.


Mickey decided after about 10 minutes that he was going to the Alibi. He needed a drink after thinking about his dad.


The alibi door chimed as it opened. Ian looked over to see Mickey walk in. The two made eye contact and Ian quickly looked over to Terry. Mickey followed Ian's eyes to Terry.

"Oh look!" Terry shouted, "There he is!" Terry was pointing to Mickey, who walker over to his table. Mickey sat down at Terrys table and could feel Ian's stare.

After about 20 minutes, Ian got up to go to the bathroom. As he was washing his hands, Mickey walked in. Mickey looked at Ian and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Ian pulled away and said, "No Mickey. Youre scared of your cousins. Your scared of your fucking dad. Your scared of being you. I'm done. and don't come by later. Go back to Terry's."

Mickey watched Ian walk out the bathroom and walked out soon after. Ian was finishing his beer when Mickey walked out.

Ian opened the door to leave when Mickey said, "Hey, excuse me! Can I get everyone's attention, please?"

Ian was looking at Mickey intrested in what he was going to say. Mickey looked at Ian was was in the middle of the doorway.

Mickey continued, "I just want everybody here to know....I'm fucking gay. Big Ol' mo. Just thought everyone should know."

Mickey made eye contact with Ian again and asked, "You happy now?"

Ian's eye widen and he walked back in. It took him a minute to realize that Terry was on top of Mickey, punching him repeatedly.


Mickeys face was bloody and he was being handcuffed against a police car. Terry was still trying to fight the cops yelling at Mickey to stay out of his house.

Mickey being Mickey, responded with, "Fuck you! Don't worry about it! Ive been staying at Ian's since you been in the can, bitch. And guess what we've been doing, Daddy? We've been fucking! And I take it. He gives it to me good and hard, and I fucking like it. I suck his dick, and I fucking love it!"

Terry was being thrown in the back of a police car and being driven away as Ian flipped him off.

The cop uncuffed Mickey and told him he didn't have time to fill out papers, that he had a husband to go to.

Ian walked up to Mickey, both full of blood. "Oh, I give it to you good and hard? You 'fucking love' sucking my dick? Huh?" Ian was smiling walking up to Mickey.

Mickey rolled his eyes flipping Ian off. Mickey looked at Ian who was still smiling and started to smile to himseld.

Ian grabbed the back of Mickeys neck and started to kiss him. Without hesitation, Mickey kissed Ian back.

(reference S4E11)

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