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"Took you so long?" Mickey asked Ian who was walking in the room.

"I like to actually wash myself mick, you know, smell good?" Ian said in a playful tone looking at Mickey. Mickey was getting up out of Ian's bed walking over to Ian.

Mickey put his hand under Ian's chin and was slowly moving Ian's head to look at the wounds. Mickey gave Ian a soft kiss on the cut he cleaned up earlier.

Mickey made eye contact with Ian and said, "Keep these clean, alright? you don't need em getting infected."

Ian smirked, "The mickey Milkovich giving a shit about someone? That's damn new."

Mickey rolled his eyes playfully pushing Ian against the wall. Mickey was kissing along Ian's neck and face, "Oh shut up bitch."

Ian smiled before walking to lay in bed. Mickey layed in front of him, and Ian's hands went around Mickey.

Mickey slowly, but surely leaned into the Gallaghers body and touch. Mickey let his face fall into the side if Ian's neck.


Mickey woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom. He heard people talking and walked to the kitchen.

Fiona looked up at him with a blank expression. Lip continued talking, oblivious to the fact Mickey walked in. "No, uh Mandy said hes never been in a relationship. one that's serious anyways. she said that she's scares he's gonna hurt Ian. which fucking sucks."

Mickey rolled his eyes inturupting Lip, "I'm not gonna hurt the fucking kid."

Lip was at loss for words, he began to say, "I'm just saying what Mandy told me. I never said you were going to."

Mickey could see the fear in Lips eyes, even though lip tried to hide it. "Look," mickey started, "I fucking came out for your fucking brother. He's a dick but he's chill for the most part."

Fiona and Lip nodded towards Mickey and Mickey went back to Ian.

He seen his sister sleeping on Lips bed and shook his head rolling his eyes.

He layed down next to Ian, trying not to wake him up, but failed. "Where were you?" Ian asked in a sleepy voice. "I was cold."

Mickey smiled kissing Ian's cheek, "Bathroom."

Ian hummed closing his eyes drifting back to sleep. Mickey however, had trouble falling back asleep.


The next morning Mickey was up first, unable to sleep much. He kept thinking about Ian. If he would hurt Ian. If there was a possibility if he would accidentally hurt Ian.

When he couldn't lay in bed anymore, he went down to the couch. He closed his eyes laying down, still unable to fall asleep.

About a half hour later, he decided to leave.


The Gallaghers plus Mandy were eating dinner, no sign from Mickey all day.

Lip was on his phone, but suddenly got up. as he was walking out, he said, "Imma go smoke out front, ill be back."

Lip shut the door behind him and sat down next to Mickey. Lip lit a cigarette and said, "What you need to talk to me 'bout?"

Mickey sighed. He said, "Look, Ian is my first serious relation, as fucking Mandy has mentioned. Most first relationships don't fucking last. and I don't wanna hurt that motherfucker, mentally at least."

Lip was trying to understand, "So you're saying you don't wanna lose him n that you're scared?"

Mickey looked at Lol and said, "What? no. I'm saying that maybe...its best if we don't stay together. he can go do whatever the fuck he wants and I can go fuck around."

Lip laughed sarcastically, "That's funny Mick. You were all over the damn place when he was gone for 2 weeks, he flipped when you left and you guys help each other."

Mickey rolled his eyes and walked away. Lip finished his cigarette going back inside. Mandy knew someone was outside, and walked to the livingroom to ask.

Mandy whispered, "Who was that?" Lip rubbed his slightly chilled hands together, "Mick."

Mandy gave Lip a confused look and Lip continued, "Said he wanted to break up with Ian cuz he didn't wanna hurt him. I basically told him no then he walked down the street."

Mandy frowned walking back to the Kitched with Lip.

"Hey Fiona," Debbie started, "I thought Jimmy-Steve was supposed to be here tonight?"

Fiona rolled her eyes and put on a fake smile, "Well he's always way to earlier or way late, right?"

As if on queue, Steve walked in the house arguing with someone. "Dude I already told you it was a damn accident!"

Steve slammed the door and turned around with a bloody face. The front door flung open and Mickey yelled, "Don't shut the fucken door in my god damn face."

"Get the fuck out of my house" Steve yelled pointing at the door. Mickey chuckled walking further in. He followed Steve to the kitchen and forced him against the fridge. "Its not your fucking house."

Just as Steve was about to punch mickey, Lip and Fiona pushed him away. Mickey looked over at Ian who was smiling towards Steve. Ian said, "My boyfriend beat the shit out of my sisters boyfriend."

Mickey and Steve's eyes both widen. As Steve was saying "That's your boyfriend!?" Mickey pointed at Steve and said, "That's your sisters boyfriend!?"

Ian laughed and nodded. He got up walking over to Mickey. Ian looked at Mickeys face and Mickey looked over to the side sliding his tongue along his teeth.

Ian smiled to himself mumbling "c'mere." Mickey followed Ian up to the bathroom. Ian pointed at the toilet and mickey put the lid down and sat down.

Ian was messing around under the sink and pulled out rubbing alcohol. He poured it on Mickeys cheek without warning and mickey yelled out "Fucking Shit!"

Ian smirked and said, "Your dumbass should have known it was gonna hurt. Steve's gonna be in worse pain, you got em good."

Mickey smiled softly, "Damn right I did."

Ian smiled at Mickey and said, "Now youre gonna go down and give this shit to him." Ian handed mickey a bag full of first aid stuff.

Mickey rolled his eyes snatching the bag from Ian.

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