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Mickey walked down to the kitchen after his shower. Ian was still in bed sleeping.

Everyone was eating something different for breakfast. Steve looked at Mickey and rolled his eyes.

Both Fiona and Mickey seen him do so. "Dude," Fiona started, "Its either you get used to my brothers boyfriend or you leave. I don't have time for your shit cuz 'hes a milkovicu.' The fuck does that mean anyways?"

Steve put his hands up saying, "Fine okay. sorry."


"Hey you getting up today?" Mickey asked Ian who has been in bed all day. Ian mumbled out "No" and mickey left the room mumbling curse words.

He walked down to the living room where Debbie and Liam were. "You guys home alone?"

Debbie spoke up, "Ian's in bed, You're there and Fiona will be back any minute."

Mickey nodded walking to the kitchen. He was stopped by Debbie saying, "He's like Monica."

Mickey didn't know what she meant, so he looked at her with a questioning look. She continued, "He's bipolar. Its normal for him to do this."

Fiona walked in with bags in her hands hearing the last part. She looked up to see a partly hurt Mickey. Fiona put the bags on the counter and Mickey was sitting in a kitchen chair.

"Hes bipolar?" Mickey asked. Fiona nodded her head looking at Mickey. Mickey started talking again, "The fuck does that even mean?"

Fiona breathed in. "Basically means he has high highs followed by low lows. His high highs are little to no sleep, talking faster, talking more, caffeine, tons of caffeine, good moods, stuff like that. His low lows are sleeping all day and night, no energy, not leaving bed, not talking, stuff like that. Each one can be for days, weeks even months at a time. The doctors put him on lithium and he was taking it but I dont know cuz he hasn't had a day like this since then."

Mickey nodded before asking, "What's the lithium for?" Fiona looked at him and replied with, "To be honest, I'm not fully sure. I think it kind of levels his moods out. So his highs aren't as high and his lows aren't as low."

Mickey nodded again and said, "So he still has highs and lows? Just not as bad?"

Fiona nodded, "I believe so."

Ian walked in the kitchen, tired looking. He looked over at Mickey and then looked away. Mickey just lightly smiled at Ian.

"Morning sunshine" Fiona said sarcastically. Ian hummed in response taking out the orange juice and getting a glass. Mickey watched Ian's moves.

He was slouchy and moving slower. He bit his bottom lip out of nervousness. Fiona looked over to Mickey who was also bouncing his leg.

"How ya feeling bud?" Fiona asked Ian casually.

Ian looked over to Fiona who was now sitting next to Mickey. He replied in a sarcastic tone, "Phenomenal Fiona. Phenomenal."

Fiona sighed and Ian rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. I'm still taking my meds if that's what you are wondering. Today's just not my day."

Fiona let out a sigh of relief as Ian walked over to the kitchen table. Mickey sat their quietly fumbling with his hands and phone.

"The fuck is your problem?" Ian asked mickey. Mickey shook his head putting on an unbelievable fake smile. Fiona sighed and said, "Debbie told him about you being bipolar."

Ian stopped eating his cereal he just made himself. He looked at Mickey and said, "What? It bothers you not everyone is fucking mentally stable?"

Fiona got up and walked to the livingroom. She wanted to give the two privacy but also be there in case something were to happen.

"No," Mickey started, "Its just hard seeing you down man."

Ian just kept staring. "Do you wanna break up with me because of it? Because I need medicine everyday for the rest of my life to be normal? so I'm not like Monica?"

Mickey stood up walking to Ian. Mickey put his hand on Ian's cheek softly. Mickey made eye contact with Ian putting his other hand on Ian's side.

"No," mickey started, "Bipolar or not. Medicine or not. Monica like or not, even though I do not recommend. I'm here Ian. I'm not breaking up with you over something you can't fucking control."

Ian softened into Mickeys touch and words. Ian put his hands on Mickeys wrists. Ian connected their foreheads changing his mood slightly. The two sat their like that for a minute before Mickey asks, "You good now Gallagher?"

Ian nodded backing up from Mickeys touch. Mickey smiled still looking deep into Ian's eyes. Mickey closed the gap between them, connecting their lips.


"You are 100 percent gay." Lip told Ian as mickey walked in the room. Mickey smiled walking ovet to Ian.

"Damn right he is." Mickey said before kissing Ian's head. "Iggy called me n said he needed my help today or some shit. Be back later."

Ian nodded, "Okay bye."

Mandy looked over at the two then looked down. Ian sent her a look of suspicion, which she ignored.


"The fuck you need help with?" Mickey asked Iggy as Iggy got out of his car.

Iggy looked at Mickey and said, "Terrys getting let out in three days." Mickeys eyes widened.

"Some bitch paid or some shit. the first thing hes gonna do is go for you and red head. you guys need to leave." Iggy said handing mickey the keys to the car. "Take the car, theirs money in the glove box and just go far. don't tell redhead cuz he won't leave his damn family. ill let you know when its safe to come back."

Mickey raised an eyebrow. "You sure? not just fucking with me?"

Iggy rolled his eyes, "I'm not gay but that doesn't mean I want my gay brother getting killed for liking what he likes. take the car and go. 4 days Mick."

Mickey nodded, "What about Mandy?" Iggy smirked, "she's been saving for a car. I talked to her last night."

(references S7E2)

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