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Ian let everything out to Mickey. He cried into his shoulder, hugged him, just let all of his pain out.

Mickey and Ian sat down on Ian's bed. Ian continued talking about life and how its shit as he layed his head down in Mickeys lap.

Mickey started running his fingers through Ian's hair as Ian started talking slower, until he fell asleep.

Lip knocked on the door, when there was no response, he walked in. Mandy walked in right behind him.

Mandy and lip playfully smiled at Mickey. Lip said, "Oh so you didn't wanna fucking kill my brother, you would kill to fuck my brother."

Right after Lip said that, Mandy said, "So much for not being a fag." Mickey rolled his eyes flipping the two off.

"But thank you," Lip started, "Monica came home and started her boo hooing shit and fiona and Frank were all arguing. it was a lot to handle and sent him into a panic attack and I didnt know what to do. There's blankets downstairs and the couch is free tonight."

Mickey nodded but stayed there for a couple of minutes. Mandy said to Lip, "He will probably sleep there, no one cares here."

Mickey rolled his eyes and said, "Oh fuck off." Mickey carefully moved Ian off of him and layed behind him. Mickey put his arms around Ian's waist and face in Ian's neck.

Even though Ian was sleeping, he leaned into Mickeys body.


The next morning Mandy and Lip woke up, hearing arguing. They heard someone walking up the stairs and Mandy and Lip both hurried and pulled Mickey out of bed.

Mickey was half asleep mumbling curse words as he was layed on the floor. Seconds after Mickey was on the floor, he was pissed at Mandy and Lip. The door swung open, Monica and Fiona in the door way. Mickey sighed when he realized that's why he was pulled away from Ian.

Ian heard Monica and Fiona arguing and sat up. Mickey yelled, "Shut the fuck up! We were all trying to fucken sleep!"

Ian was annoyed with everyone and rolled back over. He was laying there until he heard Monica say, "Frank's not even Ian's dad! Ian comes with me! then ill leave you all be! I'm his mother and Frank's not his father!"

Everyone got silent. All the gallaghers knew Ian wasn't biologically Frank's, but Monica wasn't allowed to take him.

Mickey got up from the floor and said, "Hes not going anywhere. You can all fuck off."

Ian stood up out of bed, walking over to Monica. Everyone was watching him carefully. He made eye contact with her as she walked back, until she was against a wall. Ian pointed at her as he said, "I am not going with you. I am not leaving. Frank was more of a dad to me then you ever were a mom to any of us. Shit, he was more of a dad to me, then what you were a mom to all of us fucking combined. Now leave this fucking house. None of us need you. we don't need your drama. we don't need your problems. we don't need the fucking meth in your purse. we dont need you, Monica."

Mickey walked over to Ian who was still hovering over Monica. Mickey put a hand slowly on Ian's shoulder. Ian quickly looked over, looking very angry. Mickey made eye contact with him.

Ian's face softened with Mickeys eye contact. Mickey nodded towards Ian and Ian slowly backed away. He went and sat on the edge of his bed. Monica started walking over but was stopped by Mickey.

Fiona sat next to Ian and layed her head on his shoulder. She grabbed his hands for a moment before pulling her head up making eye contact with him. "Hey," Fiona started, "Hey, look at me. You're not going anywhere. I'm not letting anyone take you. you're not being taken from us, okay?." Ian slowly nodded before hugging her tightly.

Meanwhile, Mickey pointed down the stairs and Monica slowly walked down the stairs. Mickey followed her.

"Go Monica," Mickey started, "They have enough. they don't need your money, your drama, nothing. just fucking leave them alone."

Monica was crying as she walked out the front door. Mickey walked back upstairs. He leaned against the door frame as he heard all the gallagher siblings laughing and Mandy was sitting on Lips bed. They were all sitting on the floor talking about fun times in the past.

Fiona seen Mickey and got up leaving the rest of them laughing. Mickey walked to the livingroom, putting his shoes on and grabbed his coat.

"Hey Mick," Fiona started, "Last I heard you were trying to kill my brother. Why are you here?"

Mickey chuckled then said, "Well, your brother isn't as much of a bitch as I thought, my fault. But I came with Mandy last night. Lip invited her over and she said that he said Monica was here so said I could distract the younger ones or some shit so I came. slept on the floor last night. but ill be going now, gotta work mine n Ian's shift today. tell him I said ill cover him today."

Fiona smiled at Mickey and nodded. "Linda text Ian when he was yelling at Monica and said that you guys don't gotta go in. Kash and her are there all day. and thank you. and don't go yet, I'm already making pancakes!"

Mickey was about to protest when the gallaghers and his sister came down the stairs. Mandy shot Mickey a look and Ian said, "You leaving already Mick?"

Fiona looked at Mickey and Ian and shs just knew. "No he's not, I'm making pancakes."

Mickey rolled his eyes walking to the kitchen with everyone.


"Debbie, Carl, Liam, bed. We gotta go shopping tomorrow." Fiona said to the kids as they were groaning walking up the stairs.

"Hey Mick," Mandy started, "I'm staying here again tonight. When you go home, go to my room and get me a change of clothes. and either pick Ian up on your way to work or have him bring them to me tomorrow." Mickey nodded understating Mandy.

Ian got up and walked to the front porch with a cigarette in his mouth. He sat on the front porch and Mickey walked about a couple of seconds later.

Mickey sat next to him and took the cigarette out of his mouth. Ian smiled to himself and Mickey seen it. "The fuck you smiling about Gallagher?" Ian shook his head smiling more.

"Thank you Mick. For last night, and this morning. Monica just brings out things in me that I hate."

Mickey stood up putting the ciggarette back in Ian's mouth, who also stood up.

Ian leaned into kiss Mickey, "Kiss me and ill cut you're fucking tongue out."

Ian just laughed shaking his geas sitting back down.

"You owe me Gallagher."

Mickey walked down the sidewalk, down the street to his own house.

(references S1E7)

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