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"You need to find a fucking job." Mandy said talking to Mickey. All the Gallaghers were gone, either at work or school.

Mickey rolled his eyes laying in Ian's bed, "You can't say shit. You dont have a fucking job either."

"Yea, but I don't complain that my boyfriend is gone all day. It kinda gets annoying man." Mandy said sitting up in Lips bed. Mickey rolled his eyes and said with an angry voice, "It's not my fucking fault the fucker works for so damn long."

Mandy yelled back, "Its not my fault either!"

The front door opened and someone was coming up the stairs. The two sibling got quite and Mickey got up. He grabbed the bat and stood behind the door. Mandy grabbed the knife Carl has 'hidden' under his matress.

Just as Mickey was about to swing the bat, he seen the person was Frank. Frank looked at Mickey, then at Mandy who both had weapons up towards him.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "God damn it. I gave all Terry his fucking money!" The two out their weapons back and Mickey rolled his eyes.

Mandy spoke up, "We've been living here the last couple of months on and off Frank."

Frank started walking over to Ian's dresser and responded with "Oh."

Frank opened a drawer and pulled out Ian's shirt. Mickey looked suspiciously at him and said, "Why you taking his shirt?"

Frank turned around and said, "Oh I heard about you coming out. Never seen you dating Ian. You guys are fucked when it comes to raising a kid. a couple of domestic bitches. But Ian needs a shirt. Told me I couldn't but fucking beer till I brought him one."

Frank said walking out. Mickey stopped him and said, "Well he had a shirt when he left here. Why the fuck does he need two?"

Frank raised an eyebrow and pushed past him down the stairs as he said, "Him and a guy got into a fight. Ian's all bloodied up and needs a shirt to continue working. The other dude refused to leave. he's still there. gotta go."

Mandy and Mickey looked at each other and grabbed their weapons walking out the house.


"Here Ian, here's your damn shirt. Can I but my beer now?" Frank said giving Ian his shirt. Ian rolled his eyes and cashed Frank out.

He looked up at the door that opened and was met with bright blue eyes. Mickey started, "Where is he Ian?" Ian shook his head not sayinh anything.

Mandy started walking up and down the aisle, and stopped in a corner. "Holy shit. You're fucking Trevor."

Mickey heard the name and got even more angry. He started walking towards Mandy. Ian walked away from the register running to Mickey and Mandy who had Trevor cornered.

Frank nodded towards the three, grabbed his beer and left. "You fucking put your hands on him?" Mickey asked, putting the bat under Trevors chin.

Trevor let out a smile and responded with, "I fucking did. What ya gonna do about it bitch."

Mickey turned the bat so he had a side in each had. He put it against Trevor throat pushing him into the wall. Trevor was still smiling.

Ian put his hand on Mickeys shoulder. Mickey closed his eyes for a second and pulled the bat away. Trevor laughed and made eye contact with mickey. "You're a fucking pussy."

Mickey swung the bat back, hitting Trevors ribs, taking him to the ground. Mickey was on top of him, throwing punch after punch.

Ian grabbed Mickeys wrist and Mickey stopped and made eye contact. Mickey got up and wiped his nose. He looked at Ian, then back down at Trevor. "Am I still a fucking pussy?"

Mickey looked at Ian and kissed him before walking out with Mandy.


As Ian walked in, he threw his bloody shirt by the washer. Mickey and Fiona were drinking beer at the table. Mandy, Lip and Kev were by the kitchen sink in their own conversation.

Carl, Liam, Debbie and V were in the livingroom. Liam and Debbie were playing with action figures on the floor and Carl was sharpening his knife.

"No dude," Mickey was telling Fiona, "I don't understand why the fuck everyone hates me because of Terry."

Mandy spoke up and said, "They hate us cuz we're milkovichs. milkovichs are assholes."

Ian chuckled grabbing a beer out of the fridge, "Especially Mickey Milkovich. He's a dick."

Mickey rolled his eyes, "Oh like the gallaghers are any better."

Kev chimed in, "Gallaghers are fucked up. alcoholics, addicts, criminals, I'm pretty sure all of them except Liam and Debbie have been to juvie and or prison. They are fucked up."

"Especially that Ian one," mickey starter, mocking Ian, "He's way fucked up."

Lip took a sip of his beer and shook his head. "Yea I heard he likes a Milkovich."

Ian and Mickey laughed at Lips comment. Ian walked over and sat in the chair next to Mickey. Fiona looked at lip and said, "Can't forget Lip is also fucked up cuz hes with a Milkovich also."

Frank walked down from the stairs hearing the conversation, "Gallaghers are perfectly fine, Fuck you very much."

Everyone went into their own conversations while mickey and Ian stayed quiet. Mickey finished his beer and as Ian was taking a sip of his, Mickey took it. Ian looked at him and rolled his eyes.

Mickey shrugged and Frank gave Ian another beer. Mickey seen one of Ian's cuts on his cheek was opened up and lightly bleeding.

Mickey got up and grabbed a napkin from by the sink. He walked over to Ian and wiped the side of Ian's face. Ian winced at the pain, squinting his eyes and putting a right grip on his beer bottle.

Mickey was careful, trying his hardest not to hurt Ian. Once he was done, Mickey threw the napkin away and finished his beer. He reached his hand out to Ian, nodding his head towards the stairs.

Ian thought about grabbing Mickeys hand, and decided not to. Ian walked past Mickey and up the stairs. Mickey followed right behind.

Ian was trying to find clothes to wear after his shower. Mickey leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, "The fuck was Trevor there for?"

Ian continued to look for clothes, "Said he wanted me to 'come back' and he would treat me right or some shit. Obviously, its not happening."

Mickey walked up behind Ian kissing his neck, "Damn right Gallagher."

Ian finally gave up on looking for clothes and settled on one of Mickeys shirts and a pair of his sweat pants.

He turned to look at Mickey and said, "Imma hop in the shower then ill be in here to lay down."

Ian kissed Mickey quickly before leaving the room.

(reference S3E7)

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