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"Where the fuck is Ian?" Fiona asked walking down the stairs. Lip held up a note that Fiona read ans let out a sigh of relief.


"Oh fuck Ian~" Mickey moaned as Ian thrusted into him.

Ian came inside of Mickey as Mickey came on Ian's chest.

"Good morning Fucker" Ian said kissing Mickeys neck. Mickey was breathing hard. "Mornin' Carrot Top." Ian smiled kissing Mickeys face.


"I bet they left to have sex!" Carl said at breakfast. Fiona rolled her eyes and said, "Why he left is none of your business Carl."

Lip and Mandy smirked and looked at each other. Lip said, "Okay but he's not wrong."

Fiona smiled to herslef and shook her head.


As Mickey and Ian walked in the front door, all eyes went to them. Ian didn't seem to care and walked into the kitchen with everyone who was still eating breakfast.

Everyone had already went back to their conversations. Mickey sat next down to Mandy and she said, "Dude go shower you reak of fucking sex."

Mandy was joking with Mickey who flipped her off. Ian laughed at the two siblings. Mickey said, "Oh trust me, I want to, but I don't have clothes."

Mandy rolled her eyes and said, "Your boyfriend lives here, wear his fucking clothes."

Ian took a bite out of toast and said, "No, still just fuck buddies." Ian was in a good mood smiling. Mandy rolled her eyes sick of their shit.


After Mickeys shower, he walked to the livingroom. Mandy made eye contact with him and said, "Terrys out of prison. He just got out today and said there's people that owe him money again and that he needs me n you to find them and get the money."

Mickey shrugged his shoulders and said, "We have done it hundred of times before, what's it again?" Mandy rolled her eyes and said, "Yea he needs us home now and the difference between now and then is that now we both have a boyfriend."

Ian stepped in and corrected with a raised eyebrow, "Fuck buddies."


"Finally you assholes are home. Cameron Fisher owes me 4k, Frank Gallagher owes me 250. I need the money soon." Terry said as Mandy and Mickey walked in the door.

The two sibling looked at each other after hearing 'Frank Gallagher.' Terry continued, "I need you guys to leave now though. I would like the money by tomorrow."

Mandy and Mickey nodded as Terry handed over the keys to the beat up car.


"Frank," Mandy called as she walked into the Alibi, "You owe my dad 250 dollars." Frank started to get up to run when mickey walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Fuck" Frank mumbled to himself as he sat back down.

"Look," Mickey started, "Give me 200 and we'll call it even."

"150?" Frank offered.

"175." Mickey said and Frank nodded. He pulled out 175 dollars and said, "That was supposed to be my rent for Fiona fuckers."

Mickey and Mandy smiled walking out the bar. As they got in the car, Mickey put his own 75 dollars with Frank's.

"One down, one to go." Mickey said starting to drive. "Why didnt you make him give you all of it?" Mandy asked looking at Mickey.

Mickey shrugged his shoulders, hiding his smile as he said, "Its a Gallagher. He's lips family and you like lip." Mandy chuckled and said, "And Ian." Mickey rolled his eyes and drove to where Cameron was supposed to be.


Mickey knocked on the door. A guy taller than Mandy but shorter than Mickey answered the door. "4k." Mickey said.

The guys eyes got wide and tried to slam the door, which Mandy didn't allow. Mandy and Mickey walked in and the guy mumbled "shit."

Mickey pulled out his gun and Cameron said, "Milkovich or Lishman?" Mickey pointed his gun at Cameron and said, "Milkovich. now give me the god damn money."

The guy pointed to a suitcase and Mandy opened it. There was money and she counted it. "There's only 3k. wheres the other thousand?"

Mickey listened to Mandy and said, "Give me all fucking 4k now or you die shithead." The guy sighed and pointed to the couch that had 1000 dollars under the cushion.

Mickey and Mandy walked out with the money. "Well," Mandy started as they were in the car, "That was really fucking easy."

Mickey nodded.


Mandy walked in the Gallagher house and Mickey drove off.

"Where's Mickey?" Lip asked as Mandy walked over to hug lip. She sighed and said, "Said he was going home or some shit." Ian sighed and nodded.


"You got it all?" Terry asked as mickey walked in. Mickey just threw the suitcase on the couch next to him and went to his room.


Ian was at the baseball field. He had a pack of beer that he was drinking. Its been 9 days since him and mickey talked. Mandy was there everyday, but mickey didn't come.

Ian was drinking a beer and someone was walking up. He couldnt see who it was because it was dark. "Hey Ian, you coming back home tonight? Mandy said you might be here." Lip said walking up to Ian. Ian shook his head and laughed.

"I dont know. if not tonight, maybe tomorrow. maybe the next. don't know." Lip rolled his eyes to Ian's response and started to walked away.

Lip was stopped by Ian saying, "Do you think it's genetic, us falling in love with crazy people?"

Lip shrugged his shoulders and Ian said, "Fuck off."

A couple of minutes went by and Lip was walking back up to Ian. "I thought I told you to fuck off?" Ian said to lip.

He chuckled and said, "Yea well I'm not fucking lip." Ian's eyes widened to Mcikeys voice. "Mick? You fucking asshole."

Mickey laughed kissing Ians forehead. Ian was shocked and pushed mickey away. Mickey looked at Ian and was met with a punch to the jaw.

The two started fighting and Mickey was on top on Ian getting ready to punch him again when they made eye contact. Mickey got up, and Ian stood up seconds after.

Mickey bit his lip looking at Ian. Ian grabbed the back on Mickeys neck pulling him in for a kiss. the kiss was long and sloppy. Mickeys hands were on Ian's belt loops and Ian's hands were traveling all over Mickeys body.

Ian pulled away and sent a punch to Mickeys shoulder saying, "Man fuck off. fucking disappeared for over a week and expect me to be fine!?" Mickey chuckled. "Hurts like a bitch don't it? And I was gone half the fucking time you were."

Ian rolled his eyes, "I had a fucking reason Mick. Do you?" Mickey nodded and said, "Yea I do. I wanted you to know the fucking way I felt bitch."

Ian looked at Mickey who was being angry. Ian started sloppily kissing mickey.

Ian undid his belt, along with Mickeys. Ian turned mickey over and bent him on the fence.

(references S10E5)

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