Chapter 2

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Draco's POV

"Are you ready?" My mother had just walked into my room as I had just finished packing my things for the school year, my hands shaking slightly.

"Yes. Are you sure you'll be alright here without me?" I asked my mother.

She approached me and brushed a bit of my hair back and out of my eyes. It has gotten a bit longer recently and I no longer gel it back. "I'll be fine my darling. Just go try to have some fun in your last school year."

I rolled my eyes. "Right. I'll try, but I have a feeling people won't be reacting greatly when they realize I've decided to come back." I explained.

My mother sighed. "I know. I am so sorry for everything, Draco. You never deserved any of this."

"It's alright. It's not your fault either and who knows? Blaise is coming back as well, so maybe it won't be so awful." I tried to cheer her up.

She smiled lightly. "I think it will be better than you think. Just give it a chance."

"Yes, I will. I promise." I turned around and grabbed my stuff all packed away and turned back to my mother. "I think I should get going. I want to get settled on the train before everyone else gets there."

"Alright. I love you, my son. You'll have a great year. I can just feel it." She hugged me and I hugged her back. She gripped me tightly and I knew her body was trembling slightly against mine.

She may act like she'll be fine, but we both know she won't. It's hard for my mother to leave the house at all right now without the other wizards and witches giving her hell. I doubt she'll be leaving the house much at all once I am gone.

"I love you too." I said and pulled away from her. I told my mother goodbye before leaving the house we were currently staying in. It's a small home since the Ministry seized our old home. Not that I really care, I didn't want to return to the place that caused my mother and I so much pain.

My father is to blame for the damage my mother and I suffer from now. Though, I'll never have to see him again since he is locked away in Azkaban. 

After some minor traveling, I made it to King's Cross and eventually went through the wall of platform nine and three quarters. 

It was empty. The others won't be arriving for another hour, so I have the entire train to myself for at least a little while.

Maybe it won't be a horrible year. I mean, Blaise will be returning and we've been in contact with one another all summer and so I know I haven't lost my best friend. I think Pansy will be returning as well, but I don't know. She lost her mother in the war and hasn't been speaking to many people since. She has mostly been traveling, trying to get her mind off of what happened, but Blaise did say there was a good chance of her returning.

Another reason why I think it won't be so terrible is that most of the seventh/eighth years won't be returning. Either because they think it's just not worth it or because a lot of us didn't survive.

Though, I do wonder if Harry Potter will be there. A part of me thinks he will because he has always called Hogwarts his home and I bet that if his friends are returning, so will he. However, the last time I saw him was at my trial and if I am being honest, he did not look entirely well. In just a month after the final battle he lost a tremendous amount of weight and his face was increasingly pale, on top of dark circles under his eyes. 

His persona seemed off as well. I heard that he refused to speak at any of the trials, but he did at mine. I mean, I appreciate that he did because if he hadn't, my mother and I both would be in Azkaban, but it was weird. The way he acted was off, like he was extremely tired and very cautious.

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