Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

Keeping my emotions under control while being here is a lot more difficult then I thought it would be. I'm starting to think that this isn't a good idea and I should get out of here.

I mean, the first week of school just ended and I've destroyed mine and Ron's room twice, one of the bathrooms, and even a broom closet. Luckily, I have gotten good at cleaning spells and silencing charms and so no one has caught me yet, but my friends are starting to notice something is off.

Hermione and Ron have tried to follow a few times now to see why I keep running off and they nearly caught me the last time.

I'm not going to be able to keep this hidden forever, but I can't have my friends or anyone find me when I'm like that. I could kill them for Merlin's sake! I know I should tell them, but we've all been through hell and the last thing they need is to have to go through something similar again, not to mention, I don't need the spotlight. Not again. I can't do it.

Besides, it's not just my friends finding out that I am worried about. Malfoy has been watching me like a hawk, probably because of what happened in the bathroom between us. He hasn't approached me, nor has he really followed me. He's just been watching me from a distance, you know, in the Great Hall, classes, common room, and other places as well.

It's not like the action is a mutual thing, though. I've kinda been doing the same thing. Then again, I've always had a habit of doing that, it's just a lot more frequent than it used to be.

Speaking of Malfoy, I haven't really seen him all day.

Am I worried?

Maybe a little bit. I've been watching how our classmates have been treating him and it hasn't been pleasant. Shoved in the halls, sometimes a minor hex is tossed in, name calling, and other stuff such as that.

I always knew others would react badly to him returning, which is why I don't blame him for skipping meals in the Great Hall, or making sure he is always with his friend Zabini, sometimes joined by Parkinson. However, he shouldn't have to live like this. He should be able to finish school and continue on with his life just like the rest of us.

He is not the enemy, he is a victim.

I would intervene more, but I really don't think Malfoy would appreciate it. He'd probably see it as another thing to add to the list of 'things the Chosen one has helped me with' and we all know how much Slytherins hate the idea of having a type of debt looming over them, even if nothing was expected in return.

I mean, I've helped Malfoy after the war during his trials and some people would assume it's because I want something, but there isn't. I did it because it was the right thing to do, not because I expect something in return.

I wish I could explain that to him. I know it's constantly on his mind and the fact he hasn't teased me or my friends this year really proves that theory.

Then again, ever since the war ended, Malfoy has changed. He's different than he used to be. More quiet, reserved. Would much rather spend his time reading a book with a cup of tea in hand, sitting in an arm chair next to the fire place.

How do I know this? Because I see him do it all the time late at night when everyone else has gone to bed.

First time I noticed was because I couldn't sleep due to another nightmare and figured I'd just relax in the common area, only to find it already occupied by the blonde himself.

Weirdly enough, I've grown into the habit of tip toeing down the stairs and sitting on one of the steps where he can't see me and just sit there for hours.

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