Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"Potter, stop it!"

"What? I'm not doing anything," I complained.

"You're hovering."

I stood back a little from him. "I was just reading what's in your hand."

"That's not why you are hovering, we all know it. Even your Weasel friend is looking at you weird," he remarked. "At least sit down. You're making me anxious."

"Well, how can you not be anxious? Someone's probably out to get you!"

He rolled his eyes and placed his book down on his lap. "Harry, sit." 

I huffed, but did what he said and took a seat beside him. I watched Hermione glance up from her book for just a moment, but didn't say anything.

I slouched against the couch and folded my arms, letting out a breath.

"I'm not anxious because I have already prepared myself for something like this to happen." He looked away. "It was bound to happen, and besides, we don't know what they're end target is, it could be all of Slytherins for all we know."

"It still affects you, either way, and your friends," I said.

"I know that, but it's just something we all had mentally prepared ourselves for coming back to Hogwarts, so don't worry so much about it," he said in a low voice.

"Not to worry about it? I don't think you realize how far this could go, someone could get seriously hurt," I said with a worried tone. "Someone already has."

Malfoy looked away from me. I know he knows the impact this event could cause. "We should work on our Herbology homework." He changed the subject.

I groaned, but agreed.

It's been a few days since the attack on the Gryffindor. So far, the teachers have come up empty handed. The student is awake now and will make a full recovery, but they don't remember anything that happened, nor the face of their attacker. 

"What's henbane again?" I asked.

"It's a poisonous plant with yellow leaves," he said, focusing on his own work.

"It's also sometimes used medicinally, but usually with unpleasant side-effects," another voice said.

I looked up to find Neville not far from us. "Oh, hey Neville."

"Hi Harry, Malfoy. Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just heard that you were talking about herbology. 

"Want to join?" I offered. 

He smiled brightly at me. "Sure!"

The three of us continued our schoolwork in perfect silence, with the occasional question thrown in the air. I kept biting down on my lip harshly the entire time, anxiety pumping through me from worry. Normally I would drop everything and figure out what's going on, but I'm concerned if I were to lose it. I am still working on my magic, but I also can't just sit here and do nothing! I need to figure something out before someone gets hurt!

In honesty, I only got half the work done when Draco looked up at me and gaped. "Harry!" He whisper yelled.

"What?" I asked. He looked around the room anxiously, but didn't say anything.

"You might want to look around you," Neville commented, looking alarmed. He had noticed Draco calling my name and looked up from his work.

"What?-" My furrowed eyes quickly went wide when I noticed that right above my head were floating letters and words, all in my messy handwriting. There were even other smaller stuff floating around the room too, like quills and pieces of paper, or even candy that had been left out."What the-"

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