Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

Clothes strewn across the room. The bedsheets pulled and crumpled. Even the wardrobe that held my clean clothes is ripped open with items falling out of it. The wardrobe was even pulled from the wall to check behind it. The bathroom was fully searched, and I'm sure I will need to reorganize my stuff later.

"Is this necessary, Professor McGonagall?"

The Headmistress casted charms of all sorts across the room that flipped and turned every corner, searching. "I apologize, Mister Potter. You are the last person I suspect of being involved, but it's only fair that I check every dorm."

I sighed and pushed my glasses up on my nose better. "What is it that you are looking for?"

"I cannot divulge that until the investigation is over."

I groaned and leaned against the wall on the far corner of my dorm room. Ron was nowhere in sight and not caring that our room was being torn apart.

Hermione stood outside and waited for them to finish. Draco and Zabini were in the process of getting their room back in shape after McGonagall's thorough search. Draco is just a little bit picky about where his things belong.

"I can't have some hint?" I asked.

McGonagall sighed and turned towards me. Her magic is still doing work behind her. "I am looking for specific items."

"Oh. That narrows it down," I replied.

"Potter, the last thing I need is for you to get involved."

I shrugged. "Fair, but I think we both know I'll get dragged into this somehow."

"If that happens-" she pointed her finger at me and gave a strict look- "You better come straight to me."

I didn't reply.

She turned back to her work.

I sighed out of boredom and took a seat in my chair at my desk.

So far, McGonagall has searched most of the eighth and seventh year dormitories, but nothing has come up. At least, not that I know of.

My best guess is there might be a clue they are looking for specifically. Perhaps a piece of clothing left behind or a residue of something. If only I had more details. I might be able to work something else, or at least Hermione would.


I looked up at the Headmistress' direction.


"What happened here?"

I stood up and walked over to her. She held a broken picture frame, most of the glass shattered and the wood split in two. The picture was a family portrait of the Weasley's and myself from  Christmas a few years ago.

I froze. "U-Uhm. That's uh-" I bit my lip.

McGonagall's eyebrow rose.

"That was-uh-an accident. I dropped it  and forgot to repair it."

McGonagall's expression did not change.

When did I get so bad at lying?

"Dropped it?" She repeated.


The Headmistress did not look impressed but dropped the topic. She muttered a spell, and the broken frame was fixed.

"Thank you."

She nodded. "I believe I am done here." She cast a spell to fix the room. "Mr. Potter, I know much has happened in these past years, but if you are needing someone to speak to my door is always open."

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