Chapter 13

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Harry's POV


"Damn, again?"

"Yep, you're really bad at this mate, no matter how many times we've played," Ron commented.

"You should play against Malfoy, I think you guys would be pretty evenly matched."

Ron choked. "Me? Play against Malfoy? I think I'd rather be eaten by a spider."

I shrugged. "Just a thought."

"I still can't believe you're spending so much time with that git." Ron said and I just looked away. I know it's not really much of a secret that we have been spending plenty more time together now than we used to, but Ron is sometimes easily angered and I'm not exactly ready enough to start a fight. Besides, telling him about Malfoy also means telling him about my magic. I'm not ready for that.

"We're transfiguration partners."

Ron rolled his eyes. "I know that, but you still spend more time with him than you need to. Not to mention the way he was attached to you when you were in the hospital." Ron turned green slightly from the memory.

"We're working on some tough stuff, that's all and the hospital wing was nothing, he was just worried. Want to go another round?" I tried to pull Ron away from the topic, suggesting we play another round.

"Nah, I'm good for now. Maybe later. Where's Dean and Seamus gone off to?" There was a group of us all chatting in the common room, Hermione with her nose in a book off in a corner, occasionally adding input, but the two boys seemed to vanish.

"Back to their dorm, they said it was getting late," Hermione said.

Ron snorted. "It's seven. I bet they went in there to snog again. Poor Neville's going to be traumatized by Christmas."

I laughed, knowing he is probably very right. A part of me feels bad for Neville sharing a room with them. They've always been a bit hands on, but it became more pronounced after the war. Mostly due to them being separated for almost a full year and the fact Death Eaters were hunting Dean down simply for being a muggleborn. I remember the day we found him locked in Malfoy's dungeon when we got caught too. It was a relief to know he was alive, but I will never forget the way he looked.

Their reunion is also something I will never forget. I know it meant the world to them to see each other again, safe.

I can't say the same for others though. There's a lot of people missing from this world now, all who have been taken away too soon.

I shook my head, not wanting to ponder on the dark thoughts.

"Did you finish your essay for defense?" Hermione asked, setting her book down.

"For once, yeah." I responded with a smile, knowing Hermione will be proud.

Ron on the other hand shrunk a little and rubbed the back of his neck. "When was that due again?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Tomorrow. You better start on it if you hope to have at least something turned in."

"Right. Harry?" He looked at me.

"Fine. You can look at mine," I commented.

"Honestly." Hermione sunk back into her chair.

Ron and I went to our dorm room and Hermione to hers. Ron spent the rest of the night writing his essay and looking off of mine while I decided to pull out my old photo album Hagrid gave me and looked at the pictures.

"We should go visit Hagrid tomorrow. We haven't seen him since our first week back."

"Yeah, alright," Ron replied.

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