Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Hermione, Ron and I sat in a compartment on the train, just about to arrive to Hogwarts. All of us had changed into our school robes.

I was almost late missing the train, a nightmare I've had since the war, kept playing on repeat last night and I overslept this morning. However, it worked out in my favor, it would seem. I did not get a lot of people staring and gawking at me or running up asking for autographs because they had already made it into their compartments and seemed to think I was not returning this year.

Though this is not true and I really am going back to Hogwarts for one more year, it's nice to go a little while longer before people started pestering me.

I haven't heard who was coming back. I know a large chunk of my friends are, but beyond that, I don't know.

Rumor has it a few Slytherin eighth years have decided to return, but I don't know who exactly.

I do have to admit that I am curious if Malfoy decided to come back. If he did then returning students will be in a world of shock. Though, I hope they don't treat him like the Daily Prophet has. We might be enemies, but he's been through enough, some punks in school should not be adding to it.

Anyways, I ended up visiting the Weasley's before I left and they seem to be doing okay, everything considered. Percy has still refused to apologize to his parents after everything he pulled with the Ministry, but the others think he'll come around. He's just too prideful at the moment. Eventually, I think he will, especially since he quit the Ministry shortly after Dumbledore's death, but sometimes it's hard to really understand what he might be thinking.

George is having a rather difficult time, though. Of course, I don't blame him, he literally lost his other half. I think I would be an absolute mess if that happened to me. He has been keeping the shop open though, so I'm hoping that's a sign that he'll be okay, or as okay as he can be. I know he'll never be the same again.

And it's all my fault.

If only I had been quicker, smarter. If only it had been me and not him.

During my visit with the Weasley's, I could not stay long. Thoughts of my failure kept penetrating my mind and I was lucky enough to get home before I caused an extreme amount of damage to the living room, destroying a large portion of the room.

Luckily, it wasn't too difficult to clean up, just a bit of magic will do and it's like nothing ever happened. Other than the fact I obtained quite a few cuts and bruises.

The door to our compartment opened and three people came in. Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.

"Hello Harry. I thought you wouldn't be returning this year." Neville commented. The three sat down, Ginny beside me, Luna next to her, and Neville next to Ron on the opposite side with Hermione.

"Decided it might be good for me, I don't suppose someone is out to kill me anymore, so that's comforting." I replied.

Neville nodded his head in understanding.

"Is everything alright, Harry? You have quite a few wrackspurts flying around you." Luna commented in her dreamy voice.

I frowned at her comment. People may think Luna is loony, but she is always spot on when it comes to reading people, I'm amazed how more people have not noticed how observant she truly can be.

"Yes, sorry. I suppose I am a little nervous returning to the school." I lied. The room might be filled with all of my closest friends, people that I easily trust with my life, but we have all been through a difficult year. I want them to enjoy themselves, not worry about how crazy and unpredictable my life seems to be.

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