Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

There were books scattered all around me, all different sizes, and a lot of them were worse for wear. Some of them had the words beginning to fade away and was hard to decipher. Others were in different languages and I had to use translation charms to understand; Nothing was adding up.

As far as I'm aware, I am a mystery. Something that has never happened in the course of history.

Part of it makes sense. No one else in the whole world was turned into a horcrux, died, then came back to kill one of the darkest wizards to live.

It feels like something that would be in a story. Like it would be make believe, not actually existing, but just the imagination of some author who sat around all day plotting and planning.

A story doesn't end until the last page and even then the climax doesn't happen until near the end. The main character doesn't understand everything going on or doesn't have all the pieces to the puzzle until that ground breaking moment where everything clicks and you all of a sudden know what to do. The story is starting to come to a close and that's it. You move on, pick up a new book, start a new journey.

But this isn't a story. This is life and it doesn't work the way we wish it did.

If it were, then my troubles would've ended with the fall of Voldemort and I would have lived happily ever after.

Instead, I am sitting in the abandoned library on a Saturday evening, reading books and stories that do not help me in any case. I still sit here and suffer.

This is no story, but this is no way to live either. As depressing as it is right now, it only seems to go downhill from here. My third year of Hogwarts was the last form of traveling uphill I will ever experience. Only from there did it feel more like a fairy tale rather than a nightmare.

I sighed, shoving the books away from me and groaned. I am getting nowhere. I think I've read more books in the last few weeks than I have in my entire life.

I can't keep living like this! It's killing me! The wounds, the destroyed rooms, avoiding my friends, the people who treat me like family.

I don't want to be alone anymore. I don't want to always be on guard and have to practice breathing in and out just to stop myself from accidently killing everyone around me! It's infuriating! I'd rather be back on the hunt for horcruxes.

I banged my head on the wall behind me and closed my eyes.

Do I have to keep doing this? Is it worth it? Am I stuck like this forever?

Is this just my curse? The deaths I've caused because I was too weak to take Voldemort down sooner, is this my punishment?

If so, how much longer will I be punished? When will I get to move on?

I rubbed my eyes with my hands.

There's not much else I'm gonna learn with this raging migraine right now.

I pulled my wand out and muttered a spell to have the books levitate themselves back to their places on the bookshelves.

Afterwards, I got up and left, heading for the common room, ready to just go to bed and forget dinner. When I made it to the common room, my friends were already seated around the fire place, along with Ginny. Who comes to visit from time to time.

"Hi guys." I called.

"Hiya Harry, where have you been?" Ron asked.

"Just taking a walk." I responded simply.

I sat with them and Neville soon joined us.

"Hi guys! What are you up to?" Neville asked.

"We were just planning on chilling if you wanted to join us." Ginny told him.

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