Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

As much as I would love to stay behind and question him some more, he is right. I doubt they'll wait much longer for us.

The two of us left the bathroom quickly. Harry kept his gaze focusing down, once again. I don't know why it irks me so much that he won't look ahead of him. He's already a rather clumsy person and when you add on the fact he constantly is looking down, it just makes it worse.

A part of me wanted to yell at him. Tell him to hold his head up high, remind him he has the confidence to do so. After all, he wouldn't be a Gryffindor if he didn't.

"Where have the two of you been?" The headmistress asked us as we came around the corner and now faced the doors to the Great Hall. All of the other students were gone except for the eighth years that stood together, waiting for instructions from the professor.

"Sorry, lost track of time." Harry responded, still not looking up.

"I hope the two of you have been working things out and not fighting in the middle of a corridor." She commented.

"There was no fighting, professor." I told her.

"That better be the truth. Now, since I have all of you here, lets go over what this school year will look like for you." She started, now focusing on the group as a whole. Harry went over and stood with his friends and I went towards mine. "Most of your classes will be with the seventh years, though you have a much more flexible schedule. The majority of you have already passed the classes needed for your career choices and so I don't believe there will be many classes you will need to take unless there are extra classes that you wish to take. Other than that, you are allowed to work out your own free time."

"Does that mean we get a bunch of free periods?" Weasley asked.

"Yes. More to that, as adults, I have given you the privilege to leave the school grounds more. You do have access to go down to Hogsmeade as you wish, but please make sure you behave and still attend you classes. This is a privilege and I will strip it from you if I need to." Some of the eighth years started cheering silently at the prospect of coming and going to Hogsmeade as they please.

"You may also still participate in Quidditch tournaments and gain or lose house points, just like previous years. However, you will not be going to your separate dorms for this year. In order to promote more house unity and set an example for the younger students, I have arranged a new common area for eighth years only. If you will follow me."

Mcgonagall began walking down the halls, down to a more secluded portion of the school. I noticed how the people in the paintings would whisper to one another and point at Potter, who still refused to really look up or even acknowledge what they were saying.

A few minutes had passed and we reached a painting of Merlin himself.

"Minerva, how are you?" The portrait of Merlin asked.

"I am well, thank you. These are the eighth year students that will be staying here."

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, everyone." Merlin said.

"Now, the password to get in is bowtruckle." Merlin's portrait swung to the side, opening to a large, arched doorway that we all stepped through. The common area was lightly lit, the fireplace at the far back, surrounded by lush violet couches. There was a couple of other sitting areas with tables. There was one of each house flag hanging on the wall, the only contrary thing to the black carpets and violet colored furniture. "Girls on the left, boys on the right. All of you will have one other dorm mate, however, there is one group of three. Curfew has also been extended for you, but you must be back in your common room by midnight, any later and you will receive a detention." She finished explaining the majority of things and began walking towards the door. "Please take this time to get settled and if you need anything, you know where to find me. Good night." She left the room.

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