Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

It felt like over an hour had passed. I sat on the floors of the girls bathroom. Myrtle sat beside me, keeping silent and allowing me the time to just think.

I'm surprised she is even talking to me in the first place. After what happened in sixth year with Malfoy, I thought for sure she would hate me.

The two had become close friends in sixth year and I had nearly killed him.

Definitely not one of my finest moments and it truly is something I regret doing.

I've apologized to Malfoy about it. I visited him in the hospital wing once and he refused to even look at me. I don't even know if he forgave me.

Just another thing to add to the list about how much of a failure I am.

The sorting ceremony and dinner must be finished by now and I know my friends are probably out looking for me, but I honestly felt drained of energy.

My body is slumped over, my head rested on my knees. I am so terrified of having a magical outburst that I don't even think my body wants to have the energy to do anything anymore.

The last thing I wanted to do, the last thing I needed, was to face everyone.

"Potter." A voice I recognized so clearly bounced off of the walls of the bathroom.

I stood up quickly, out of instinct I grabbed my wand and pointed it in the direction of where the voice came from.

"Calm down. It's not like I'm here to hex you or anything." Malfoy stepped out of the shadows in the bathroom. His hands were raised, indicating that he had no intention of pulling out his wand from within his robes.

He stood there in all of his glory. His hair lacked the gel and was laid softly on top of his head. His robes fit nicely for his tall length and skinny body.

However, I noticed something off. I don't know if was the fact I was pointing a wand at him or something else, but his hands shook slightly. They probably would look a lot worse if I was closer to him, but I was actually several steps away from him.

"How long were you there?" I asked, my wand still pointed.

"Long enough. I figured when you disappeared down the halls someone ought to remind you that Mcgonagall wants to speak to all of us after the feast." He said.

"Yeah, I know. I got the same letter that you did over the summer."

"Okay, well. Can you please stop pointing your wand at me? No offense, but it is making me rather uncomfortable." He crossed his arms and looked off to the side, indicating how it really did make him uneasy.

I can understand why.

I hesitated and looked at my wand, then back at Malfoy to make sure he wasn't planning anything.

The last thing either of us needed was a round two in the very bathroom that I had nearly killed him in.

I sighed and lowered my wand, but I still kept it in my hand. "Is that all you came here to tell me?"

"Yes. Though I suppose it worked out in my favor. After all, you're not the only one trying to avoid the Great Hall today. Just so happened that you gave me the perfect excuse to ditch it entirely."

"How thoughtful of you."

"I thought so. Anyways, what are you doing in here alone? Aren't you supposed to be flaunting about with your friends? Enjoying the fact you saved the world?" He questioned me.

I bit my lip and looked down towards the floor.

"Wasn't feeling up to it." I responded.

He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at my response. "I seriously doubt that's the only reason."

"And I seriously doubt it's any of your business." I bit back.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, I make everything my business, so spill it."

"Give me one good reason why I should say anything to the guy I have hated since coming to this school."

I saw a flash of hurt roll through his eyes, but it was quickly covered by a look of mock hurt as he pressed his hand to his chest. "That hurt, Potter." He feigned.

I rolled my eyes, but I actually regret what I said to him. The look of actual hurt in his eyes kept crossing my mind, but of course, I would never tell him that. "Go on. I doubt you'll find one." I tempted.

He sighed and paused for a moment, thinking of a reason as to why I would tell him anything. "Does 'I think there's something wrong with me and I'm afraid I might hurt someone.' ring a bell? I would bet you've said that to no one but Myrtle."

I froze, the blood in my body ran cold and my heart began to race. "Are you threatening me, Malfoy?" I asked, my voice darkening.

Malfoy quickly shook his head. "No, actually. Believe it or not. I won't tell another soul and I won't use it to my advantage. However, it proves that you should tell me because I already know at least a little bit of the situation."

"You don't know anything." I spat.

"Exactly. So tell me."

"Fat chance."

"Then at least tell me what you meant when you said that." He said, taking a step closer to me.

I hesitated. He's not going to let this go, Malfoy is as stubborn as I am, but it doesn't mean I need to fill him in on what actually is going on with me. I could give him a little. Something to satisfy him.

I don't want to get into a fight. I can already feel the panic and anger and fear rising up with me. Along with that comes my magic and I can't risk losing it in front of him.

Who knows what he would do if he knew the truth, if he was here during my surge of magic. I could hurt him. I could kill him and I am not that kind of person. If I were to hurt anyone with this, I would never be able to forgive myself.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment to steady my now slightly shaking hands.

I just need to calm down. I can do that.

I opened my eyes and stared at Malfoy. He seemed perplexed, even a little bit worried at how I am acting.

Taking deep breaths, closing my eyes. He's obviously very confused.

"I just said that. It didn't mean anything, I was just upset about what happened during the war and being back here." I said, hoping it's enough information.

It's not entirely inaccurate. It is a reason why I am usually very upset, but it's not the reason why I can't face everyone. Why I think I am going to hurt someone.

"There has to be more to it. The wars over. No one else can get hurt."

"Malfoy, seriously? I don't want to talk about it. Be happy you got that much out of me." I said, growing irritated.

He sighed. "Alright fine. That's enough for now, I suppose."

"Good. Now, dinner has ended, we better head back to the Great Hall." I stated, now putting my wand away and preparing to leave.

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