meeting the publisher

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Within a few days, Kathryn and Isabella were working with the publisher to get the book published. They had never imagined that their work would turn into something so wonderful. They just hoped that they would be liked by the people. Nothing meant more to them than knowing that their hard work was worth something. Later, it was time for Kathryn and Isabella to figure out the cover diagnosis. The publisher was very happy with the book. It didn't need editing at all. All the hard work put into it was done very well and soon, it would be ready to publish.that didn't mean every book would be perfect. It was just beginner's luck.

Later, the cover design was done. The book was about a brave adventurous person traveling the world and she was constantly getting into battles and some parts of the book were violent. The books were put into boxes and ready to sell but the publisher wanted to make sure the book sales went at planned. Little did he know that something was going to go terribly wrong.  A few hours after the meeting, it was time for a nice dinner.

The dinner went on an hour too long and all was well. It didn't seeem like a big deal until it got dark and Isabella started to lose her memory. She was getting sleepy and now she needed to rest. She had never imagined that she would be so tired. She needed to get some rest before she crashed. She fell asleep in just a few seconds after hitting the pillow. Kathryn was happy that her friend would be able to get some rest.

She slept soundly until morning and when it was time to get up, she wouldn't wake up. The fear grew intense and Kathryn worried that something was wrong. Then she decided to just let her friend rest until it was time for the author's meeting. She would wake Isabella up at around 12PM since the meeting was at 12:30. She hoped that Isabella would wake up. If she didn't, then the author's meeting would need to be rescheduled and that just couldn't happen. She needed to be a part of the co-author partnership. At noon, it was time to wake Isabella up. When it was time to wake her up, she wouldn't wake up.

The meeting was postponed for next Saturday and Isabella was rushed to the hospital. It was hard to believe that Isabella would have to go to the hospital just because she wasn't waking up. She had to be okay. If she wasn't then all would be lost. After arriving at the hospital, the doctors took Isabella to a hospital room.

Kathryn sat with Isabella feeling fear boil inside of her. She was worried that Isabella could be dying and she didn't want that to happen. She would do anything that she could to save Isabella from dying. She waited for a long time before she left the hospital in tears. She was so worried that she couldn't stand to be with Isabella any longer for fear that she might just lose her. The car took Kathryn back to the hotel as she looked out the window, she couldn't help but think of Isabella. She missed her so much. She hoped that she would be okay. Now that she was in the hotel, she could finally get a good night's sleep. Hopefully she could sleep. She was still very worried about her friend. Her mind was racing hard.

The days went on by but nothing had changed until the following week. It was 10AM on a Monday morning. Kathryn was waiting and waiting hoping that something would happen but nothing had happened. Suddenly, Isabella opened her eyes. Kathryn was  Feeling so happy. Now her friend was all better, she would be out of the hospital. Kathryn looped her arm through Isabella's and it was time to go back to the hotel. The meeting was scheduled for next Thursday. Hopefully nothing would happen to Isabella again. It was sad for Kathryn to see that her friend could suffer like this.

"I am so glad that you are all better." Kathryn said, I was so worried about you. I want us to start a career together and if I lose you, then all my hopes and dreams would be crushed!"

Later, the car arrived at the hotel. It was time to go back to the room and rest. Isabella was still tired from the coma that she had gone through and she needed to rest. Tomorrow would be a better day and Isabella and Kathryn would be able to make their career even more wonderful than ever.

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