going to California

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Soon, Kathryn went home. She would be getting ready to go to California in just a few days. She was excited to see Alexis and the organist performing a concert together. She had never imagined that this would ever happen. She hoped that everything went well for them and she wanted everything to be perfect for them for the next few weeks. They would be performing in California for at least six weeks.

When Kathryn got home, the organist was so happy to see her. She needed her help desperately. For she could not find Alexis. Charlotte was frantic looking for her. For she didn't want to lose her after finding her. Charlotte was glad that she was friends with Alexis and she would do everything in her power to make sure that she could be friends with her for as long as she could. She was going to do everything she could to find a Lexus and bring her back home.

"Oh no! "Catherine said, I can't believe that this has happened. I have to find her. For I cannot let anything happen to her. She has gone through so much in her childhood and I want to do what I can to make her childhood extra special since her parents weren't there for her in the beginning. She has to have a wonderful childhood after all that she had gone through for the first few years. I want her childhood to be filled with happy memories. I don't want other people to ruin her childhood and I will do it I can't find her and bring her back home to make her childhood full of happpy memories."

Soon, the search was on. It was time for the organist to help Kathryn in finding Alexis. The old woman was also there to help look for Alexis. She was also a part of her life and she wanted to do what she could to find her. She knew that she had to make Alexis's childhood wonderful. She didn't want her to suffer anymore horrible memories. It would be heartbreaking to see that and she would do what she could to make sure that the rest of her childhood was filled with memories that would last forever.

An hour went by and everyone was searching frantically through the entire hotel. Even the hotel staff were helping to look for Alexis and bring her home. No one could find Alexis in the first room. Alexis was lost and now that that has happened everyone is in fear. The organist is trying to fight back the tears that well up in her eyes as she thinks of all the sadness that has appeared. The old woman is there to comfort her and hard times. Kathryn is more sad knowing that she has lost her child. She wants to do what she can to find her. She just hoped that no one kidnapped her and killed her.

"Have no fear. "The old woman said, I'm here for you and hard times. I promise that I will help you find Alexis and bring her back home. We cannot let her suffer. After all that she has gone through, she deserves to have a happy childhood filled with magical and wonderful memories. I can just see her childhood ahead of her filled with all the memories that we can give her."

The journey continued on for several hours. Alexis was nowhere to be found and all was  lost. Soon, it was time for Kathryn to hire a detective. She wanted to find the best detective to help her solve the mystery. After hiring a detective, it was time for the journey to continue. The journey went on until it got dark. Even though it had only been a few hours, the old woman had traveled for at least 800 miles. She was tired after all that traveling and now it was time to turn in for the night. She had never imagined that she would travel so far. She wanted to do what she could to help find Alexis. She only wanted the best for her and she wanted her childhood to be memorable.

"I have never been on a journey this long in such a long time. "The old woman said, the last time I was on this long of a journey was when I helped a child find her home in a cottage far far away. I never imagined that I would be traveling this far again in such a long time. I haven't traveled this far in 20 years. Now that I am here traveling with you, I know what I'm going to do to help you find Alexis. Nothing means more to me than knowing that you are happy with Alexis and that she has a magical and wonderful childhood. "

A writer's thanksgiving weddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora