the first horrible book sale

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Three months went by but still Isabella was nowhere to be found until one day, a man came in to report the most unusual news. His face was red as if he'd been crying. This is when Kathryn knew that something truly tragic had happened.

"I'm so sorry." The man said, Isabella has been killed in a carriage accident. The carriage went off of the cliff and the impact killed Isabella instantly. I was there and I tried to save her but it was too late! I had never imagined that something like this could ever happen. I have never seen something so tragic in my life and I was dreading the day that I would have to share such tragic news."

Kathryn was in tears instantly. She had never imagined that she would have to deal with so much tragedy in one year. All is lost and now Kathryn has no one to enjoy her career with. She wasn't sure what to do. Should she just quit her career? She couldn't imagine quitting her career but it just wasn't going to be the same without Isabella. It was heartbreaking knowing that her friend has passed away and she has lost her co-author.

The old woman held Kathryn in her arms. She couldn't stand to see her like this. She was going to do what she could to make everything better again. She continued to comfort Kathryn in this terrible moment. She wanted her to be happy but she was trying to fight back her own tears. Although she didn't know Isabella she was still sad to hear that she had passed away.

"I'm so sorry." The old woman said, it is just heartbreaking to hear that your friend passed away. I will always be here for you. I will always be your friend and I won't ever let you put yourself into dangerous situations. I don't want you to die like your friend did. I would be heartbroken if that happened to you. I want to be your new writing partner and I will help you through the journey. I want us both to be rich and famous."

Kathryn seemed to consider this idea. She liked the sound of it and maybe she would let the old woman be her writing partner but for now she wanted to think about it. She was just so overwhelmed by what was happening and nothing meant more to her than having someone who would comfort her.

"I'm glad that you are here for me and I really enjoy being with you." Kathryn said, I am considering having you as my co-author but I would like to think about it first. I'm just so overwhelmed by what has happened that I just don't think that I can do anything with writing at this time. I will just have to postpone the book sale for another few months. I promise that we can still be friends and I will let you know if I want us to be co-authors. For now we can be friends and I'm going to contact my publisher right now so that he knows what is going on. After that, we can spend some time together."

The old woman was so happy. Although she doesn't know if Kathryn wants a co-author, she at least knows that she can be friends with her. It means a lot to her knowing that she can have a good friend who will be there for her. The old woman waited until the phone call was over and that's when she got the terrible news.

"The book sale is still going to go on." Kathryn said, he says that I have to bring you so that you can help me. This also means that you will have to be my co-author. I'm sorry I turned you down so quickly. I just needed time to think about my decision. Now that I know that I need a co-author I need you more than ever. Not only do I need you as my co-author but I need you as my friend. I really care about you and I feel as if I have gone through so much tragidy."

The old woman held Kathryn in her arms. Even through the tears and sadness, she knew that Kathryn was going to live a life filled with happiness. She held her as her tears fell. The old woman saw Kathryn's tears and it made her want to cry as well. She really tried to fight back her tears but she couldn't. Her eyes were leaking with tears falling all around her.

Kathryn put her head on the old woman's shoulder and closed her eyes. She didn't like to see the tears falling. It broke her heart and tears were so powerful that she didn't 't want her heart to break even more.

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