the engagement

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In June 5 months before Thanksgiving, Jason had planned something special. He wanted to surprise Kathryn with a proposal and an engagement party. He planned to have it on the last day of june and the organist didn't know about it but she would. Jason wanted her to know so she could help him keep the secret until the big party.

After finding out about the big surprise, the organist went about her day with her friends. Kathryn and Alexis  were enjoying their day with the old woman and the organist. They had so much fun together. They went to the mall and went shopping. Kathryn didn't know about the big surprise. It was going to be the best gift ever.

Jason was out to the jewelry stores every day looking and big engagement rings. He was going to by the engagement ring today and then for the next 19 days, he would be planning the party. Before he went to the jewelry store, he woke up at 7AM to book the big ballroom in the east hotel. He wanted to do it so he could get it decorated. After arriving at the jewelry store, Jason saw the biggest diamond engagement  ring out of all of the rings in the store. He paid the price and left feeling so happy he could burst. He got into the car, shed a few tears of happiness and then he was on his way home. He made 300 invitations and went to the post office to have them mailed out.

Finally on June 30, it was time for the big party. Kathryn was getting ready not knowing what was happening. She was overwhelmed and worried. Why wouldn't anyone tell her anything? She cried as the organist helped her into her ball gown.

"No one will tell me anything." Kathryn said, it's like I'm not even important to anyone. It's like no one loves me. This is the most heartbreaking thing that I could ever imagine."

"We all really care about you." The organist said, we want this surprise to be the most beautiful experience that you ever have. It is going to be perfect."

A few hours later, it was time to go to the hotel. Kathryn was in shock. Why was she at the hotel? Kathryn began to cry again. She fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably. The organist knelt beside her. She held her in her arms as her tears fell. Soon, the doors opened and people cheered at the top of their lungs. They were so happy. The party went on for hours until the big moment came. Jason dropped to one knee. Tears flowed down his face.

"We have been together for many years." He said, we have had a long distance relationship for 2 years but we still managed to stay in touch. I'm glad that we didn't break up and I won't ever leave you again. Will you marry me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The organist watched as the proposal went on. Her tears sparkled in her eyes. They were about to spill over and then a little while later, kathryn came to her. She pulled the organist into her arms.

"I'm here for you." Kathryn said, I can tell that you were overwhelmed with emotion lately and you were trying to hold it back. Please let it out. You have held the tears back for so long. It's about time you let them out. I will be here to support you."

The organist cried uncontrollably for many hours as everyone watched Kathryn hold her in her arms. The organist rested her head on Kathryn's shoulder as her eyes grew puffy. Then ever so slowly, her eyes were swollen shut.

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