the party to celebrate Kathry's victory at winning the writing contest

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The party was so much fun. Kathryn enjoyed spending some time with her friends. She had so much fun and she was glad that she was finally reunited with her friends again. She would do anything to be with them and not be separated from them.

The party was set up a lot like a banquet. The room was decorated with colorful table cloths and the flowers were so beautiful. Kathryn was overwhelmed with happiness. Nothing meant more to her than being with her friends. Alexis threw her arms around her and cried. She was so happy to have her mother back with her. She thought that she would never see her again. It was overwhelming being around all these people. The organist shed a few tears. She was overwhelmed with happiness knowing that Kathryn had won the contest. The money was stored away in the hotel so it wouldn't get stolen.

"I will always be here for you." The organist said, I'm so sorry I left you. I wish that we hadn't left you. I'm sure that you were heartbroken. I feel as if I have lost your friendship. Please don't leave me. I will do anything to make it up to you. Your friendship means a lot to me."

Later, the party continued on. This time, it was time to leave the hotel. Everyone went to a bar/restaurant to continue on with the party. The meal was over. Now it was time for the real big celebration. Kathryn and her friends went to a casino and played games. They had so much fun and Kathryn really enjoyed it. She hired a babysitter to take care of Alexis and at 7PM, Kathryn and her friends would come and pick her up.

Kathryn had won over 10 ,ill on dollars at the casino. She had so much fun but now it was time to go and pick up Alexis. She was ready to go home and relax after the big celebration that she had. She had never imagined that she would be around this many people in one day. After collecting all of the money, the car took Kathryn and her friends to the babysitter's house to pick up Alexis.

"Thank you for babysitting my daughter for me." Kathryn said, that means a lot to me. You have created memories with her that will last a lifetime. I'm sure that we will hear about these memories for a long long time." 

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