The first date and finding and rescuing the organist

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At 7PM, Jason picked Kathryn up for a date. She was so excited but she was also worried about the organist. She was worried that something terrible had happened to her. She knew that she was going to ruin her first date in a long time but all she could think of was the organist and the terrible things that could be happening to her.

After arriving at the restaurant, Kathryn ran away.she had lost it and she was going to hide where Jason would never find her. She never wanted to see him again but she knew that wasn't true. She knew that she had loved him since high school and she always would. All she could think about was the organist and she knew that she had to find her and save her. Finally, after an hour, she confronted Jason and told him her story. He understood and wanted to help her.

After a nice candlelit dinner, Jason was going to help Kathryn find the organist and bring her back home. Kathryn hoped that she was able to find the organist before it was too late.

Meanwhile, in the church, the organist had been asked to play for a crowd of people. She was overwhelmed by all of the people looking at her. She wished that she hadn't left the house. She just hoped that someone would save her before it's too late. As the people waited for her to play the organ, the fear boiled inside of her. Soon, she ran to a nearby restuarnt with candles lit in every direction.  

Back in the restaurant a few miles away, Kathryn and Jason were just getting ready to start their long journey. They went to the church to see if maybe the organist had stopped by. Kathryn had found a music book and that's when Kathryn realized that something terrible had happened.

The search continued on. A few hours later, Kathryn and Jason came to a restaurant where the organist was being surrounded by many people asking questions about her career. She was overwhelmed and she felt the tears start to fill her eyes but she couldn't let them fall. That's when she saw Kathryn and Jason. Kathryn ran to her with open arms and then a few minutes later, Kathryn had rescued the organist from all the people. Now it was time to bring her home where she would be safe with her friends again.

Kathryn brought the organist home. Alexis and the old woman ran to her with open arms. They were so happy to see her. They had never imagined that she would ever see the organist again. It seemed as if all hope was lost. Now that the organist was reunited with her friends, all was well. 

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