Kathryn's new cat

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Later, Kathryn was hired to work at the animal shelter as a part time receptionist. She was so excited. She had never imagined that she would be working at an animal shelter and the best part was that she would be able to adopt a cat for free. That wasn't something that was seen every day.

Tomorrow she would start her first day on the job and she would only be working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She would be paid 10 dollars and hour and the pay check would be weekly. When Kathryn got home, she told Alexis and the old woman about the new job. The old woman promised that she would take care of Alexis while Kathryn was at work.  

Alexis was very upset. She didn't want Kathryn to go to work. After what had happened to her, she didn't want anyone to leave her. She cried and cried all night. Her heart was hurting and it felt as if it was breaking. The old woman held Alexis in her arms as she cried.

"Everything will be fine." The old woman said, I promise that your mom will be back. She will only work Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday she will be here. She will be here writing and then later, there would be book sales. The book sales wouldn't happen very often because of how long it would take to write a book."

The next morning, it was time for Kathryn to go to work. She willl work until noon and then she would come back and spend time with the old woman and Alexis. The old woman and Alexis went out for ice cream. They were so glad that they could spend time together. Alexis was glad that she had someone who would never abandoned her. Later, the old woman took Alexis to a play. She had never imagined that she would ever see a play. Her parents never let her go anywhere with her friends.

She was amazed at all of the actors. It was a children's play but sadly, none of the actors were children. They were all adults. Alexis was very sad. She never seemed to see children and after the play, she was going to ask the old woman if she could find where some of her friends live so that she could see them again. Even though it has only beeen a few weeks, it seems as if it has been several years.

The play ended within a few hours and the old woman traveled all over New York with Alexis trying to help her find her friends. Finally after a few more hours, Alexis found one of her very close friends. Her friend's name was Charlotte and she was so glad to see Alexis. It seemed as if it had been years since she had last seen her.

Later, the old woman took Alexis and Charlotte back to the hotel. When they entered the room, Kathryn was standing there and she was in shock. She didn't know that Alexis had a friend growing up. When she found out about this, she got in contact with Charlotte's parents trying to convince them to move closer so that Alexis could go and visit whenever she felt like it. This was so exciting. At least Alexis had one friend that would make her childhood more   exciting.

The excitement was very intense and later, it  was time to help Charlotte's parents move into a nice house across the street from the hotel. Alexis couldn't wait to have her first sleepover with Charlotte's. The weekend was approaching and she would be able to have her first sleepover in her lifetime.

When the moving truck arrived at the house, it was time to unload everything and make sure that it was all neat and organized. The house was all unpacked within a few hours.

After everything was unpacked it was time for the family to go and celebrate with Alexis. They were so happy that Alexis was back in their lives. It had been so long since they had seen her. Charlotte's twin sisters Kris and Helen were also happy to see her. They thought that she would never come back. It meant a lot to them knowing that Alexis cared enough to come back and be in their lives.

Later, everyone left and went to the park. Kris and Helen were glad to finally be out in nice weather again. They hadn't been outside since Alexis's parent had forbidden her from going outside to play. They made her stay inside and do all of the house work.

All was going well and the children were having such a wonderful time playing outside. The parents sat on a park bench watching them to make sure that nothing went wrong. Suddenly, something did go wrong. Alexis slipped and fell to the ground suffering serious injury. She had fallen and she had a concussion. Not only that but she had also fallen and broken her arm and her leg. The parents ran to her as fast as they could. They knelt beside her and called 911. She was rushed to the hospital as fast as the ambulance could take her. Kathryn was called to come to the hospital and the old woman came along for the ride. After all, she was the one who helped Kathryn by babysitting when she was at work. She wanted to do what she could to help.

Kathryn knelt beside Alexis's bedside trying not to cry in front of all these people. It was hard to control the tears that were threatening to fall. What if Alexis saw this? Kathryn didn't want to break her heart . She had already gone through a lot of tragedy already and Kathryn didn't want to make it worse. The old woman knelt beside Kathryn and she could see that she was about to lose it.

"Oh no!" Kathryn said, this is terrible! The tears are threatening to fall and I just can't cry in front of these people. Actually, crying in front of the people doesn't bother me. It's crying in front of Alexis that is very difficult. She has never seen me cry before. What will her reaction be if she saw this? Would she cry if she saw me cry? I don't want to break her heart again. She has already gone through so much tragidy in the first few years of her childhood. I want the rest of her childhood to be filled with wonderful memories. Could you kneel beside the bedside and comfort her while I step into the hall? I may grab some coffee. I heard that their coffeee is really good."

Kathryn stepped out into the hallway to let her tears fall. Then she went to the nearest restroom to touch up her makeup so no one saw that she had been crying. After that, she went to grab some coffee. She was glad that she was able to contain the tears after what had happened. Soon, she was at Alexis's bedside. The tears had disappeared.

For the next few days, Alexis remained in the hospital until she was stable enough to go home. When she was released from the hospital, she saw what she thought looks like a beautiful instrument. She went after it not knowing what it was but knowing that she wanted to play it. Kathryn and the old woman ran after her. They were unable to keep up with her. That's when they heard the most beautiful sound and when they looked up, they saw that Alexis was playing the organ. They had never imagined that she would have such musical talent. She played the organ until her heart was content. Then a few hours later, the organist who owned the organ came to see what was going on and when she saw a little girl playing it, Kathryn was worried that the organist would be upset to see this but she was so happpy to see that someone wanted to play the organ. She was so overwhelmed with emotion that her tears were falling rapidly. She was filled with happiness. She never imagined that anyone would ever play the organ. She tried so hard not to cry but it was so hard.

A few hours later, one of Kathryn's co-workers brought in a beautiful cat. Kathryn was so excited to adopt it. The organist had never imagined that she would witness this. Later, the organist brought Alexis downstairs to show her the cat and then Kathryn invited the organist to spend time with her and Alexis. The organist lived down the street so Alexis could visit her anytime she wanted. 

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