Things that make you stronger

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."                                                                                                                                                                            -ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

As my as I love my teacher, but I hate the projects she gives us, specially if it includes theories. I just hate it. But to get my degree I guess I have to put up with it. Don't get me wrong I love research but I love those which has more of practical experiments. This is my last year in college and I hope to get a job as soon as possible after college. Though I don't want to stop my studies but right now I really need a job, may be after I get settled with that I can resume where left. But right now I just want a job and a decent one.

"You know the prom will be organized soon. Have asked him yet? you know right, who?", my bestie chirp in.

"Come on Meg, I can only think about our exams right now. and besides isn't it the boys who asked first? And though I know whom you are talking about but honestly I don't think he has any kind of interest in me.."

"Oh come on, soon we are going to leave college, who knew if you ever meet why not taking a chance?"

"I know but I don't want to make a fool of myself. He is among the most popular ones in college and I am simply a nerd in others eyes."

"You are beautiful Wanda, you just don't want to acknowledge it."

"Ok, I will ask him".

"Yey, that's my girl," she hugged me.

"I hate you", I said.

"No babe, I know you love me as hell now lets get out of here. Are you going to give tuition today?"


"Okay. Lets get going". 

As we are walking towards the main door Megan suddenly stop me.

"You know may be this your time." said Megan.

"What are you talking about?"

She does not say anything nudge me to look in front of me. Its then I look above and instantly cursed her. 'Damn you Megan, you should at least hint me.'

"Hi, you guys are leaving already?" asked Cole the person I want to avoid the whole time as I know I'm gonna make myself a fool again. You know right, how it feels like when the person you have a crush came forward to talk to you.

"Umm....yeah, why? Do you need anything?" I spoke out without thinking.

"Yes, actually I want to ask you out for the prom. You are free right?" Cole asked

And before I could reply Megan spilled out "Yeah, She is totally free. You are lucky."

"Shut up" I told Meg. Sometimes she doesn't even think what she is saying.

"Okay. That's great then. See you guys later. bye." Cole said.

"Yeah. Bye." I reply with a smile.

"Wow babe You did it. He asked you for the prom. aren't you excited?"

"Can you please stop it. You are going to give me a headache."

"Oh come on, Don't behave like you are annoyed. I know you are all giddy inside."

I could not help but smiled at her words. Finally I am going to get out with the person I like. I hope it ends well.

As I walk in through the door of our home I find it very quite.

'What happened? Where is everyone.' I asked myself. Then I heard some voices coming out of the bedroom of my parents. I was going to ask for them when I stop as I hear they are talking in a hush voice.

"You know how your mom is. Don't get upset, Please. If Wanda comes and find us like these she will be very upset." my mom said.

"I know, I know. But I just can't think she could do this to me. She knows our situation very well. Then why? Am I not her son? She doesn't love me at all." my dad respond. I peek through the door crack. They look completely devastated.

"What can we do?" asked my mom.

"I really don't know. I thought she would at least give me some time. I was wrong. I should not asked for her help." I can feel my dad heartbreak.

"You think you can arrange the money by tomorrow?" asked my mom.

"I don't think so Lily." my dad said as he sit down on the bed ruffling through his hair. "I am totally out of any idea."

I don't know how but I step inside. They are so immersed in their thoughts that they don't even notice me,

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