Journey To The Future

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"Follow Your Heart And Your Dreams Will Come True."-Anonymous

I notice beautifully groomed men and women dressed in nicely tailored expensive suits, shirts and knee-length pencil skirts fill up the whole cafeteria. The interior of the office and the cafeteria and the building itself is very intimidating, which makes me feel like an outsider. Their look on the face as some of them staring at me tells everything they feel about me.

I notice a familiar figure standing at a distance, waiting in line for food. Claire. She lifts her head when her eyes falls on me and a bright smile appears on her face, She waves at me. I walk to her side.

"Before we start talking lets get the order first. You help us to get a seat while I'm take the food and then join with you." She sais smiling.

"Yeah, Sure."

Within five minutes she came with our food and sit alongside me.

"So, How was your day?" Claire asked me.

"It's okay. Our new boss is very intimidating you know? Otherwise Mr. Adam is a good. The whole time just passed in a blink of eye arranging everything. Its a lot but I'm confident that I will be good."

"That's good. But one thing make sure that you don't get on the wrong side of our boss. Our previous CEO was also intimidating but approachable where our new CEO has mood swing problem. If anything went any inch wrong and you are done for."

"Whoa, thanks for the information."


In a blink the six month passed away. I got my salary which is an amount I have not imagine I will be able to earn. I bought our apartment with the salary and the previous saving I had before. Its a Small 2BHK apartment which is enough for us. Our home we have given on rent for you know maintain the house and also for the income. Living in high end city is expensive. My dad insisted in keeping our store which is now quite popular in the area and also not so small anymore. In weekend I help My mom and dad with business. I myself know some baking staffs which is not much but good. I love baking. I always thought to to build my own pastry shop. I love pastry.

Our relatives now have taken their voice a notch down. As long they don't bother us we are good.

Returning from office I through myself on the couch as I sigh, it's been a busy day. As I was making myself comfortable mom came with juice. 

"Hi baby, what's up? Another busy day?" My mom asked.

"You guess, the recent projects are taking troll on my nerves. It's good that tomorrow is weekend. Otherwise I don't know if I could survive another long day."

"Oh my baby, I make already made our dinner. Lets us done with the dinner and you are ready for a good sleep."

"Thanks mom", I said her hugging

As we are having our dinner I saw mom and dad are talking about something in a hush voice. After sometime its my mom you bring the topic.

"Baby, tomorrow I have invited some one. I want to you to introduce with him."

And I already guessed its about the blind date my parent has been taking about the whole week. Their childhood friend's son.

"But mom,.."

"Listen sweetie, don't think we are forcing you. Just meet him. I f you both like each other then we will take the next step. We want at least you start dating. Till now you have never gone in any dates. Don't just keep yourself only in your job. Start living now."

"Okay mom, as you wish" I said.

Lets just hope This time I get lucky.

"My baby. 

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