All you need is a little hope

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You woke up by the sound of your ringtone buzzing through your ears. You picked up the phone only to be met by the sound of your best friend, Spencer. "Hey (y/n)" "Hi, what's up?" You asked, putting him on speaker while you were going to get dressed. "Nothing much, but the team and I have tickets to go on a fairy ride galla before we return to Quantico. Wanna come?" You smiled as you just finished putting your clothes on. "Sure! Listen, I gotta go, but I can't wait" You responded, "bye!" He said then hung up. You were putting shoes on, then you went towards the elevator to get to the lobby, you had planned on meeting the JJ and Prentiss for breakfast. The elevator dinged when you arrived at the lobby and you walked out to see Emily and JJ waiting for you. "Sorry that I was a bit late, I slept in then Spence called me." You blused at that last part. "Its okay, how is lover boy anyway?" Emily said and winked. You blushed harder and looked down, while walking to the restaurant. "he's good, he doesn't even like me though, I've known him for 4 years and he hasn't shown any signs." you said, stepping into the breakfast restaurant and sitting down in a nearby booth. "Sure he does! He's just reeeally shy." JJ exclaimed. "I only have hope" you responded, then the waiter came around and asked whay beverages you wanted. Eventually, after spending the entire morning with JJ and Prentiss, you went back to your hotel to get ready for the galla. You put on your favourite black dress, silver cardigan, black pumps scattered with little diamonds, and a silver necklace and handbag. You walked to the pier and stood there waiting for someone from the team to give you a ticket. Hotch arrived after about 5 minutes. "Hey y/n!" He said, eyeing you up and down. "Hi! You look great!" You responded, " You look beautiful, oh, and here" he gave you a ticket and you both walked on deck together, and showed your tickets to the security guards "Spencer's gonna swoon when he sees you" Hotch said as you two approached the team. All the greetings and "you look great"'s were said to everyone and from everyone and eventually you all went to go dance, but you realised something. Spencer wasn't there yet. Suddenly, Rossi comes over to  talk, but dances with you at the same time. "He'll be here soon, don't worry" he said. You gave him a sad smile. Then, you saw Spencer. He walked onto the dancefloor looking like a lost puppy without the team. JJ went and greeted him and brought him over to where you were standing. Rossi patted your back and gave you a wink before he left, when JJ finally did bring Spencer to you, she gave you a thumbs up, then walked away. "H-hey" Spencer said, brushing his hair behind his ear. "Hi" you said. He put out his hand, and blushed madly "Want to.. Maybe.. Dance?". You grabbed his hand a little too eagerly,  he smiled to show you that he too was as eager. He clasped his hand around yours and led you to the middle of the dance floor. You put your hands around his neck, and he placed his around your waist. *your favourite slow song* began playing, and you two started dancing quite awkwardly, but you couldn't have wanted it to be any different. As the song continued, you were humming to the music, then Spencer said " you're a beautiful singer" it was then you realized you were actually singing out loud. You blused out of sheer embarrassment. The song was coming to an end when Spencer locked eyes with you. You had only realised his head was coming closer when he was two centimetres from your face. "C-can I kiss you?" He asked, loosing a bit of confidence he previously had. Without answering, you leaned forward and felt fireworks. It wasn't a hard kiss, but a passionate one, full of love. After the 4 years of knowing him this was a better kiss than you could have ever imagined. He grabbed both sides of your head and pulled you closer, and making the kiss deeper. You brought your hands up to rest on the sides of his neck. After many moments of that, you inevitably had to pull away. You both had swollen, red lips and were panting. "Well, I'm not very experienced with this kind of thing. But I'm fairly certain we should go to a hotel, we could go to mine but I'm sharing with Morgan and that might be awkward, if that's what you want, it's what I want.. I mean if no-" Spencer rambled (which you thought was really cute) but you cut him off "We can go to my hotel, and yes, it too is what I want.". After a 5 minute walk, you were in your hotel room. You pulled him gently by his tie and lead him on top of you on the queen sized bed. He kissed you, but this time it was filled with lust. You pulled off his jacket and he took off your cardigan. In under 8 minutes you were both in your undergarments. He looked you straight in the eyes "Are you sure this is what you want?" He repeated from earlier "Yes" you responded. You two were in the middle of a heated kiss when he surprisingly unclasped your bra successfully. You pulled off his boxers, and took off your panties without loosing eye contact. He pulled out a condom from his jacket pocket. "Do you just carry those around?" You asked smugly. "No, Derek gave one to me" he blushed. He opened it and put it on his erection. You laid below him and spread your legs. He positioned himself and slowly slid into you. You hissed at the pain and dug your nails into Spencer's back. Once he could tell you were ready he started pumping again and started a slow rhythm. The pain slowly morphed into pleasure after a little bit and Spencer was giving you kisses along the way which helped. After awhile you were comfortable with the thrusts and asked him to go faster to which he obliged. You felt your walls clench and you knew he was very close too. You both came at the same time and laid next to each other panting. Spencer threw the condom out and found one of your pyjama tops which he gave to you, and he put on his boxers and climed back into bed with you. Your legs were intertwined, and he looked up into your eyes. "Y/n?" He asked, playing with your hair "mhmm?" You responded. Looking deep into his beautiful eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend? I mean, you don't have to, and you might not even like me like I like you, but. I thought I'd ask" you smiled at him "of course I will, I love you." His eyes widened in joy and he kissed you deeply "I love you too". Who knew all you needed was a little hope.

Hope you liked it!! I tried to make it good and I'm super sorry I haven't uploaded, I had no ideas and writersblock sucks so bad. I hope you guys don't hate me. I'll try to upload most frequently, if you have any ideas, suggestions, or requests, feel free to comment them and I'll try my best to write them. Love you guys xoxo. ~Phoneboothgirl

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