I choose you

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(I hope you like it @butterflyhatake, I tried to make it like your comment :3)

You were so ready. Today, you went on your first date in years. You put on your heels and did up your jacket, grabbed your purse, and shouted a quick "goodbye" to your roommate Spencer. Spencer was kind of the reason you were going on this date. You'd liked him for a while, and think is how you wanted to get over him. You both worked in the BAU and were great at your jobs. Even though EVERYONE knew you had a crush on him, apparently he didn't. Or, he did, and didn't want to say anything. Anyway, you brushed him aside when you got to the restaurant. You arrived before your date and sat down. He eventually got there, and you two didn't really click. I mean, he made jokes any you laughed at them, but it didn't really seem right. Later that evening you went to the bar to grab a drink when you felt like someone was watching you. You swiftly turned around and a mop of curly hair turn the corner when you did so. Being in the FBI, you knew you needed to investigate. You followed them and ended up by some tables. You then saw Spencer. He was sitting in a tiny booth alone awkwardly slouched over his drink. You walked over, and sat down next to him. "Spence, what are you doing here" you asked. "N-nothing. I just decided to go out tonight" he responded. Playing with his sleeves. "Okay, well. I'll be home later." You said turning away. You knew he was following you. Being a profiler you knew that. And, you thought it was adorable that he cared. You saw Spencer twice more that night, but you were also having a lot of fun with your date. The more you learned about him the more he became more interesting. He eventually took you home and walked you to the door. "Well.." He said "Thanks for the night. It was a lot of fun." You smiled. He leaned forward and so did you. You two were about to connect when Spencer opened the door. 'Oops!" He said, obviously faking. With the newfound awkwardness in the air, your date left and you walked inside.

"SPENCER REID!" you screamed while inside "what?" He responded nonchalantly "HOW DARE YOU INTERUPPT US?" You cried, tears stinging your eyes "I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" He retorted. "I REALLY LIKED HIM!" you responded "WELL I REALLY LIKE YOU!" He finished taking your head with his hands and pressing his lips against yours. You didn't know what was happening. Your brain had turned to mush. After a few seconds, you kissed back with all your might. He picked you up and carried you to his bed. When you both broke from air, you were both in your undergarments. "Are you sure?" He asked, pressing his forehead against yours. You knew what he was saying you nodded and he pulled out a condom. When you were both undressed and ready, he positioned himself and kissed you in reassurance. He went in and a burst of pain and lust burned in your stomach. He did things on your command and treated you generously. When you two were done, he threw out the condom and he tossed you one of his shirts, and he threw on some pants. He then cuddled with you. "I'm sorry I got mad and followed you. And in the morning if you want to forget about it and move on its okay. I mean, I won't, because I have an eidetic memory so-" you kissed his temple to shut him up. "Its okay. I thought it was cute. I love you. And I choose you." He smiled "I love you too" and you knew you made the right choice. 

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