Christmas Party

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You were scared, so very scared. Today was the day that Penelope has her party and you couldn't be more nervous. Everyone in the BAU was invited, which meant Spencer would be there, and you were scared as hell. You were the newest addition to the team, and even thought it had been two years, you still felt like the newbie. Right from the start you knew you'd become good friends with all the girls, and you were right. But what you weren't expecting was falling head over heels in love with a lanky, gorgeous, doctor. You were sure you'd grow out of the high school crush. But, after about 4 months of being in the BAU, you found out these feelings were there to stay. And got more and more intense every time he brought you coffee, let you borrow a book, hugged you, (especially that last one). Eventually, everyone found out, besides the supposed 'genuis' you loved. It was excruciating, every time he looked at you and smirked, it killed you not to just kiss him right there. You shook yourself out of your daydream and went to your closet. You and the girls had gone shopping, and they picked out the outfit (mostly Garcia) it was a little black dress, with a cute little Christmas lights necklace with matching earrings, and you wore black high tops to top if off. You know, not very classy, but you couldn't stand heels. You quickly walked to her place, with as must confidence you could muster. You stood outside the door hesitantly, and knocked quietly. Penelope swung open the door and immediately hugged you "I'm so glad you came! You look great" she gushed "I don't know-" you responded, "I feel silly. I just wanna go home." You scrunched up your nose. "Dont be crazy! I have a bet with Rossi and Morgan that Reid will faint when he sees you!" She said and winked. You seen, they all thought he liked you, which was of course absurd. Wasn't it? The doorbell ringing brought you back to reality "it's him!" Garcia sing-songed. She glided to the door and opened it. He stepped in and wore a black corduroy outfit, with a black blazer, his cute glasses, and a crooked green and red bow tie. After a more than normal amount of time staring at each other, you both looked away, flustered. Time had passed, and the party had about fourty five minutes left and you still hadn't made a move. Then, the music became slow, and Penelope started taking "we're gonna time it down with some slow songs. Feel free to dance. Morgan and I will start it off. Join in!" During that last part, she winked and looked at you. You looked over at Spencer and he was already looking. You started blushing. Morgan and Garcia were dancing, and you just felt empty. You say down on one of the chairs she had set up, and looked at your phone, until you heard a cough and looked up, it was Spencer. "Do you- do you wanna dance?" He asked timidly, scratching the back of his neck with one hand, and he was holding out the other one for you "Yes" you blushed, and took his hand. You rose from your seat, and he awkwardly put his hands around your waist, and yours were around his neck. "Did someone put you up to this?" You asked, whispering to him. "No, why do you ask?" He responded, "C'mon, you don't have to lie. It was probably JJ or Penelope. Am I right?" You asked feeling your stomach drop at how stupid you'd have to be to believe that he'd actually willingly want to dance with you. "Why would I lie?" He whiskered back in your ear "Because, why would you want to dance with me" "what do you mean?" He said looking you straight in the eyes, while you two were still dancing "well, I'm me. An average, weird, clumsy, awkward girl. And you're a prodigy genius, amazing at everything, you're just- just- perfect" once those words came out of your mouth you immediately regretted them. Not that they weren't true (they so were) but you didn't know how he would react. Your face quickly became white, and his eyes became wide "(y/n).. You think I'm.. Perfect?" He stuttered out. You took this opportunity to run. You didn't know where, but your feet took you to the balcony. You stood on the balcony and calmed down. 'Stupid me' you though 'why'd you have to say that out loud?' You were pulled out of your thoughts by someone coughing behind you. You turned around to see Spencer awkwardly leaning on the doorway "(y/n)-" he started, coming towards you. "You dont have to say it. I know you dont like me. I mean, why would you? Even I dont like me. Why would yo-" you were cut off by the soft touch of lips. You were going to fight back, but it just felt so right. "Spence-" you said after a few seconds "you dont have to do this and pretend you like me." You said, looking him in the eyes now. "I'm not pretending" he said, kissing your neck, you moaned "promise?" You asked "I promise."


"Wanna go to my place?" Spencer asked, continuing to kiss you "sure" you purred you and him somehow got out of the house without being noticed. It was a 3 and a half minute walk to Spencer's and you couldn't wait. You two got inside and practically ran for the bed. He got on his back and you were straddling him. You pulled off his jacket, shirt and bowtie as you were feeling his warm chest. He then helped you undo your dress, and you took off his pants and glasses. You were still ontop, and you were teasing him. You them slid down and took off his boxers revealing his length. You took it into your hand, and slid your thumb across the slit. He whined, and begged for you to keep going as he grasped the bedsheets. You finally took him in and bobbed for awhile. Before he finished, you took off your undergarments, and grabbed a condom from your purse. You slid it on seductively, and he flipped you over. "You ready baby?" He asked, kissing your temple "as I'll ever be" he slid in. A wave of pain and passion hit you, but you loved it. He got faster and harder on your command, and it ended with you both screaming your names. When it was over. Spencer checked the clock to see it was 12:02am "Merry Christmas, beautiful" he said pulling you in and kissing you "Merry Christmas" you said snuggling up next to him as you drifted off.

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