Everything will be alright

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(Here :) @thepastelkids)

"GO TO HELL!" you screamed at your now ex boyfriend. You suspected he was cheating for a while, but he always denied it. "C'mon (y/n), please." He said, trying to comfort you. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" you responded, pulling your arm away from his grip. "I'm done. We're over." You slung your bag of your things over your shoulder, picked up your suitcase, and left his place for good this time. You slammed the front door and called your coworker Penelope who was also one of your bestfriends. She agreed to pick you up and said she was one her way. Being in the horrendous stage of anger and sadness you were in, you didn't notice a van pull up in the alleyway behind you. You sensed something behind you, but before you could turn around fully, something came smashing down on your head.

You woke up cold, tired, and aching. You anylized the room you were in. Well, more like cellar. There were cobwebs in each corners, and a tap where droplets of water were falling every few seconds. Your head was throbbing in pain, so you moved your left arm to detect the problem, as soon as you touched your scalp you immediately retreated your hand. You figured you were hit in the head with a pipe. You looked down at your hand and saw blood. So that's why your hair felt wet. You then realized the stench. It smelled like a place where rabid animals lived. You quickly put your hand over your mouth and avoid being sick. Now was not the time, you needed to find a way out.

Spencer's POV: (OooOoOOo, first Spencer POV, please give feedback! :3)

Finally I was done with work. I picked up my stuff, and suddenly Hotch burst from his office. "Everyone stay put," he started "(Y/n)'s gotten kidnapped." My knees buckled, and I had to stabilize myself with a chair to prevent falling over, it's like my brain went into complete shutdown and all I could hear was ringing. JJ had to come over and calm me down before anyone noticed. Only she knew how I felt about (y/n), once I had called down, we all headed to where (y/n) was kidnapped from. I got out of the car to go examine the scene. There was a duffle bag and a suit case hidden behind a big garbage bin, and there was a puddle of blood on the pavement. Tears stung my eyes and I swiftly turned away to see a man being questioned by Morgan. You profiled him. Mid to late 30's, alcoholic, in pyjamas, which means he was probably asleep. Then, you heard the name. "Jason" that mad you angry. Suddenly, everything came together. This was (y/n)'s boyfriend. The same boyfriend who treated her like shit, and beat her, but she never told. And since I had no evidence because she wouldn't go to the police, he got off Scott free. I stormed up to him. "Listen here you piece of shit, when this is all over I swear I'll get you in jail for everything you ever did to (y/n)" Morgan took me away from him after that and Rossi took over "Hey, pretty boy, what's wrong?" He asked, trying to calm me down. "Nothing" I responded, being stubborn and turning away. "But if I find out he did anything, I'll kill him. I swear." Morgan looked me in the eye "Reid, you really like (y/n), dont you?" He asked me. "W-what? How would you know? Did JJ tell you?" I asked, blushing and getting all defensive. "Its obvious. Now, if you wanna help find her, you gotta put all your energy into finding her." He was right, if I wanted to find her, I needed to put in my all.

Your POV:

After what felt like hours of lying on this disgusting mattress, someone came in the room.  "Hello (y/n)" they sneered. You turned your head which you immediately regretted because of the wrath of pain overcoming your body. "What do you want?" You asked, minimizing your emotion. "I already have what I want. You." He snaked over to you, and forcefully kisses you, you tried to push him away, but your right arm was handcuffed to the wall, and he was holding your left one down. He tasted of disgusting cigarettes and alcohol. Suddenly everything became too much and you felt yourself fading. "Sweet dreams, my pretty" were the last words you heard before drifting off.

Spencer's POV:

It had been four days. Four wretched days to find (y/n). Morgan was in another room on the phone with Garcia trying to narrow down the searches. He then burst through the door. "Spencer, we have an address" I flew up from my desk, and followed him to the van. The team got to an old building and quickly sneaked inside. Hotch motioned for me to go to the other side and I did. Once I got there I found a giant metal door, Morgan then whispered into the headpiece "One... Two... Three!" I pushed all my weight on the door and it pried opened. In the scene before me I spotted (y/n) curled up on a mattress out cold, handcuffed to a bed, and it smelled gross. You then realized she had a huge gash on the top of her head. "MEDIC!" I screamed "I NEED A MEDIC!"

Your POV:

You woke up by the sound of constant beeping. "(Y/N!)" screamed a very tired looking Spencer. He came up to you and hugged you ever so delicately. "What day is it?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. You also felt your head and felt stitches. "Saturday" he responded "what?! I've been going for 4 days?!" You asked, shocked "yeah" he responded sadly. Then, a nurse came in and said that you could go home. You got to you house and looked at Spencer. "Can you stay?" You asked blushing " I'm a little shaken up" "sure" he responded, waking into your flat. After awhile, it was late and you two were getting ready to go to bed. You were going to say goodnight "Spence" you yawned, walking into the spare bedroom "yeah (y/n)" he said, looking up from a book. "Goodnight" you said sweetly, crawling onto the queen bed to give him a hug. He immediately hugged back, and started to swirl patterns into the small of your back. You went to kiss his cheek as a thanks, but in that moment he went to check the clock beside the bed so, you ended up kissing his lips. You then pulled away from the bliss that you felt in that second. "Sorry" you muttered, he grabbed you hand, and pulled you above him. He grabbed your face and kissed it. You kissed back and played with the hem of his shirt tugging and pulling. He lifted it over his head, then spoke "wait," he panted "as much as I'm loving this, what about Jason?" He asked "I broke up with him before I got kidnapped. He cheated." You said. "Just so you know, I'd never chat on you" he responded, kissing your forehead. "I know" you smiled, then kissed him again. You took your shirt off and flung it somewhere in the room. You two flipped and he then took off your bra, struggling at first, but then he got it. He was kissing your left breast, and playing with the right one. You were moaning in pleasure. He then tugged at your pajama shorts and looked up. You nodded and he took them off. He kissed from your breasts down to your thighs. And kissed your entrance. You squealed and moaned. He stuck two fingers into you, and started pumping. You writhed in pleasure and screamed his name. He then added two more and you were so close to coming. "S-S-Spence! I'm gonna-" you came on his fingers and he licked it up, staring at you in the process. He took off his pants, releasing his massive erection. He looked at you and you smiled. He climbed ontop of you and without warning slammed himself into you. It was lustful and painful. He was thrusting into you by your say, while you were scratching his back in agony and love. He held the headboard of the bed while you both climaxed and screamed each others name. He layed down beside you and wrapped his arms around you. "That was a pleasant surprise" he panted "it was" you smiled. You both feel asleep, and you realized everything was going to be alright.

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