Breaking the Glass

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The previous night, you had just caught a serial killer that the team had been looking for for 5 consecutive days. Everyone decided to celebrate by going to your place. You were there setting up when you heard a knock. You set down the glasses and walked towards the door. You opened it and saw Spencer. His deep hazel eyes captured you and his curly hair was perfect. Yes, you had had a crush on him since you two became close friends 2 years ago, even though you'd been coworkers for 3. You suddenly realized you'd been staring for longer than normal and swerved your eyes to the floor. "H-hey, come in." You said flustered and opened the door for him to enter. "Hi (y/n)" he said as he walked in, realizing no one else was there yet. "Am I too early?" He said looking at his watch "Only by about 15 minutes" you said, picking up the glasses again and placing them on the breakfast bar. "Oh" he said "well, how can I help" "Mostly everything's rea-" the sound of glass smashing cut you off. You had just dropped one of the wine glasses and mentally slapped yourself for your stupid clumsiness "shit" you whispered "are you okay?" Spencer asked while fleeing to the kitchen to get a bag, and a dust pan. "Yeah, my dignity's almost as shattered at that glass though" he chuckled and that made you feel a little better. After Spencer had cleaned up the glass, you noticed that your hand stung. You looked down and realized you had a cut on it. You didn't need any stitches, but a bandaid would suffice. You walked into the kitchen after making sure all the pieces of glass had been picked up, and turned the tap on to rinse the wound. "I knew you were clumsy, but not that clumsy" Spencer said, flashing one of his heart-stopping smiles. You blushed and grabbed a bandaid from your cupboard. After the 6th attempt to open it, Spencer took it, and opened it in less than two seconds. You cheekily stuck your tongue out at him and he blushed, putting it over the cut. "Thanks" you murmured. "Wanna watch some TV before the gang get here?" You suggested "Sure" he said following you to the couch. You flicked through the channels and stopped at one Spencer looks relatively interested in. After about 5 minutes, the characters in the show kissed, and the air thickened. You looked over at him, surprised that he was already staring, and he was inching forward. Just when you were as close so that you could feel his breath on your lips, the door knocked, and opened. You two jumped back, and looked opposite ways, you facing the door, saw who interrupted you "Ooh, did I interrupt something?.." Garcia said "N-no" you stuttered "of course not" Spencer agreed, as you both looked red as tomatoes.


Aaron, Derek and David were in deep conversation, Emily, JJ, and Spencer were all talking, so you and Penelope were sitting on my couch gossiping about your love life. "You two were sooooo gonna kiss!" She whisper/shouted "I dont know, I think it was all in my head" you denied. "Well, that not what I saw" she gushed and winked.

~~••End of the night••~~

You were hugging everyone goodbye as they left your flat, everything was going smoothly until it came to Spencer, it was really awkward after the incident on the couch, and you hadn't spoken all night, and you knew he didn't feel comfortable. As you stood outside your door by the stairs. You started to go in for a hug. He hugged you back and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. As you both pulled away, he looked at you, with sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong?" You asked as your brows knitted together. "I though tonight would be the night." He said sadly. "What do you mea-" you were cut off by the soft touch of lips. You were stunned. He quickly pulled away, and rushed down the stairs of your apartment, and ran out the doors into the rain. You ran on his heels, and grabbed his hand as he exited the doors, you quickly pulled him in for another kiss, and it was magic. You stood out in the rain, getting drenched as you both had a full on make out session. You pulled away when you saw a flashing light, what you though was lightning, turned out to be the whole team taking pictures of you and Spencer macking. You hid your face in his sweater as the crew started applauding. After the commotion died down, and everyone actually went home, you looked at Spencer with a devilish grin and said "studies show more people get kidnapped while walking alone as opposed to in a group" you said pulling on his tie and biting your lip.

Long story short. Spencer stayed the night. ;)

End :3

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