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Your case outline was this. There was a man going around New York killing couples who he though were "star crossed" because at every crime scene, written in the female victims blood, was star crossed on the wall. You guys were ready to give the profile. JJ started off "We Believe the unsub we are looking for is in his late teens or early 20's." Hotch's turn "he is white, tall, and very athletic, he probably recently go out of a relationship that was 'forbidden' he's killing the victims because he wants them to be together, even if it means taking their lives." Reid "He was probably raised in a very strict and abusive family, which is why there is so much overkill on the bodies, because he never defended himself as a child." You "so, if you see anybody that matches that description, please phone the number on the screen. Thank you." You all returned to the office where Reid had mapped out 3 bars between where the 3 murder sites had been, and Hotch was Ready to give instructions. "Morgan, you and Prentiss will go to the first bar. Reid and (l/n) will go to number two. And JJ and I will take the third. Remember, he goes for couples who he believes are star crossed lovers. So, talk about how you two can't be together. Let's go."

you and Spencer walked out of the police

station into the brisk autumn air. You two had been friends since forever, his mom was your mom's best friend, and vice versa. you both grew up together and since you had spectacularly high IQ's (even though his was 2 points higher, and oh how'd he remind you so.), you both graduated highschool and university at young ages. and four years ago when your mom died, spencer offered to take you in and you'd been living with him ever since. He then broke the silence. "We're pretty close, do you wanna walk?" "Sure." You replied. You walked for 7 minutes, then you walked into the bar. Spencer saw a secluded area around the back. So you two sat down and just stayed watch. "So, have you read any good books lately?" He started off the conversation. "I read 3 on the way here. I'm rereading the Harry Potter Series" you replied "I remember reading that as kids together with you!" "That's why I reread it. I wanted to relive the memories" you said, staring into his deep hazel eyes. Suddenly, you and Spencer realized there was a man intensely watching you two. He quickly changed the subject. "(Y/n) I know. Its just-" he rested his hands on yours, you were shocked "your parents. Why are they trying to split us up?" You quickly got the hint that he though this guy was the unsub. "I don't know. They think you're not right for me." You responded, looking sad. "But- but- but I love you." He said shakily. Enterwining his hand in yours. Your breath hitched, and your heart sped. 'I wonder if he actually likes me. No, he's just acting, so I should too.' You though "I love you too" you responded. Smiling at him. Suddenly, the suspected unsub got up, and walked over. "I can help you" he said "you can?" You said "yeah, I'll help you run away. Come to my car" "okay" you and Spencer followed this man out to the secluded back. You both had hands ready to pull out your guns. He opened the door, "here we are-" he then swing around with a gun, and pointed it to your head. "Get in the car, or I blow her brains out" he scouled "I dont think so." You muttered, then elbowed him in the face, while pulling out your gun, and aiming at him "you're under arrest"


"that was intense" you said, shutting the door and flopping onto the couch. "Yeah" said Spencer, sitting beside you. "You're a good actor, by the way" he said "oh, yeah, acting. Thanks" you said, sounding a bit disappointed. "Y'know, I really believed you" you told him. "You too" he said, intensely staying until your (e/c) eyes. "Maybe we could keep going from when we left off, since you were so into it?" You suggested, kind of inching closer "as you wish." Her leant forward, and you two collided. You didn't know you needed this until now. The lips perfectly now together, and your chemistry was astonishing. Your usually filled brain was empty because of what was happening. When you two pulled away, you suddenly felt bad. "I'm so sorry" you said, running to your room

"Wait! (Y/n)!" He frantically chased after you, and you sat on your bed. "Sorry that I kissed you"  you said "I- I wasn't thinking" you sniffled "Well then, let's not think" he said, pushing his lips against yours for a second time. And you knew it was for real.

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